Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Slipping Standards

Does this society adhere to any standards anymore? I am appalled at some of the discipline problems I see; not saying that I have it all together by no means, but why do we let children run the show? Just a thought that is running all over in my mind this morning as I watched a woman struggle with her tantrum throwing daughter in Wal-Mart only to see the frazzled mother give in and the girl smile with a big grin....totally knew that she had her mother where she wanted her. What about the standards of respecting elders, holding the door open for women and the elderly, not talking back to your parents, being kind enough to let the mean driver in front of you, or having enough self-control to hold your tongue during your four year old's t-ball game just to name a few. Okay, enough about that....Cody took Samuel to school this morning for Sam's first grade reading testing. His first grade teacher is Miss Hill and even though I have never met her, I've heard that she is fantastic from more than one I'm happy with that. Isaac is playing with the two girls I watch, Mickale and Maliya, upstairs and I can hear Isaac instructing them on how to play Rescue Rangers....ha! This fall I'm going to start working more intensely with Isaac and some pre K curriculum, although I'm pretty sure he'll be more than ready for kindergarten next year, but he has asked, "When can I start preschool with you, mommy?" No time like the present. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...