Monday, August 25, 2008

Store Outing

Oh why didn't I go to the store last night! I'll tell you why, because I decided to spend time with my husband by watching the movie Bucket List; which is a good movie if you haven't already watched it. Anyway, I really can't complain, I don't think going to the store with two kids is hard; I just prefer to go by myself when I can and now I don't have that luxury today. My husband is downstairs in his basement office putting together proposals he has for two appointments this week that are potentially pretty good sized. He meets with another client this afternoon over lunch at my favorite restaurant - Chili's; I have such fond memories of "office" lunches...good times. I miss those. Samuel is enjoying school and I have to admit that I'm getting used to and even learning to enjoy this all day school thing. He is loving school and that helps me, but I am amazed at how much the little girls I watch miss him; both of them had a melt down last week when he went off to school in the morning. Oh my goodness! Isaac misses his brother also, but he is used to the idea of him just being the only boy during the day and I have to say that he has taken the role of my helper on pretty good. Right now he is in fact combing Mickale's hair for the fun of it and she's letting him; I'm sure the quarter I give him for every time he runs up, or down the stairs for me also has helped him on taking this new role also. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...