Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crazy House

The house is all amok with children again as little Mickale has made her way back to our home for day care seems how her teacher mom and my friend had to already go back to work. It's amazing to me how much more work just one child can be and it's equally amazing to me how much more of a mess there is. Cody is over at our neighbors house retrieving a garage door opener for their home as we are taking care of their German Shepard over the weekend while they go camping. Every once in a while my husband gets an inkling to own a this will be good training for him; I on the other hand do not want another thing to take care of. Samuel and I went to his school today for the uniform exchange and suited him out for the year. There is nothing like buying enough school clothes for the entire year at about $60; I was thrilled! Isaac has been bugging me all day because I told him this morning that I was going to take them to the free movie at The Fillmore Theatre this evening. The movie (Muppets) isn't even starting until dawn, but I just had to tell them this morning after my friend and their adopted aunt Davida called to invite us and now I've listened to him ask for it all day. UG! Hopefully he won't be disappointed. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...