Monday, August 11, 2008

Forever & Always

My 12th wedding anniversary is coming up in two weeks and while we've had our ups and downs; ebbs and flows I can say that I am a happily married woman. There was never a doubt going into this marriage that I wasn't in it for the long haul no matter what; I took our vows seriously and I made a commitment to God that day that I would give my 100% (whoever says marriage is 50/50 is full of it; it should be 100/100). My favorite times with my husband are those were there are things only him and I understand between each other; the time we spend together after the boys go to sleep; the gleams I get from his eye that I know are just for me; the tickle times in bed when I think he's being annoying, but it's actually kind of fun (sometimes); the inside jokes and the intimacy we share that no one else knows about, and I'm not just talking about in the bedroom. There have been countless intimate talks and walks; times we have become spiritually closer to each other and closer to God as a couple. Cody, thank you for all you do, all you are and all you've become; I am glad I said "yes" 12 years ago and I'd do it again. There are times when we absolutely can't stand each other, but I'm so glad that we've stuck it out when other people didn't think we had a chance. Forever & Always. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...