Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Loving Sam

Where do these summer colds come from? I don't think I can blow my nose anymore and I don't know whether it's better to have a cold in the heat, or in the cold; you can't get comfortable either way. At first I thought I had allergies, but than the green and yellow gunk started flowing out of my nostrils while blowing and I thought, "you've got to be kidding me!" Oh well. My husband is outside installing an automatic sprinkler system in our garden; he's tired of having to remember to water his pee wee vegetables; which incidentally he thinks the size of his work is the direct result of his watering remembering skills. I personally think the garden will do fine; we just planted later than everyone else down here and I think we need to quit comparing it to others. I joined the adult reading program at the library this summer and have enjoyed forcing the extra reading time. I still don't see how I'll get more than three books read by August 2nd, but we'll see...I want some prizes! The boys, Maliya and I had a wonderful play date over at the Fabian's house this morning and now even my 6 year old is relaxing. Samuel is such a joy to have home! I like him being out of school for the summer and I am really enjoying spending some nice, quality time with him. He is such a huge part of my heart and so far he has made my life so relaxing because he loves playing with the younger kids too; he's such a good big brother. Thanks Sam! ~

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Paddle Boating

My knees are killing me! At first glance 30 minutes of paddle boating doesn't seem it's a long time, or that big of a deal, but let me tell you that even though I had given thought to the strain to my quads (which incidentally are not hurting at all), I didn't give my knee joints a thought. Now I feel like I'm trying to give birth out my right knee cap every time I walk and the stairs have now taken the form of a "fourteen er". My husband is walking around like it's just another day; which is so not fair seems how he's 19 years older! In fact, he is even the one that has had knee surgery! Oh well, we had a great time out at E.B. Raines Park and that was the first time we had rented one of their paddle boats; I would highly recommend it; the kids loved every minute. Samuel and Isaac enjoyed $1.50 hot dogs and sodas while Cody and I paddled out to the middle of the lake where there is a great fountain that you can't help muscle your way to so that you can enjoy the full experience by getting sprayed/soaked. Needless to say my eldest son's hot dog bun became duck food when the white bread fell of into the lake while he was screaming and trying his hardest to cover his short haired head (as if a hot dog would cover him; use the plate next time goof ball). Isaac's hot dog had long since been residing in his no sogginess there, and no head covering either, just a bunch of wide eyed laughter from a hyped up and very happy four year old. ~

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Enjoying Smoozies

AH....nap time; love it, relish in it, use it as time to catch up on my t.v. shows that I record during the day and lately have been using it as time to catch up on reading. One of my personal goals for the year is to never miss an opportunity to learn more about God and his Word. Therefore, I have been involved in at least one bible study, sometimes two, since January (and church or Wednesday night service don't count) and thus my reading basket is now a little over flowing, but with nourishing and healthful information to my soul, mind and spirit and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Cody went down to the Tech center office this morning before taking his oldest daughter to the doctor. He also has been offered a CFO position with a rehab ministry that will be taking place up around our home grounds (no required moving, only if we want too) opening this fall (hopefully) and so we are in faithful prayer about this opportunity. Samuel and Isaac are enjoying what we call "smoozies", or what Great Grandma Iac would call the old fashioned Popsicles you would make with the Tupperware sticks, but tht now we buy in the store as otter pops. How I wish I could have known my husband's grandparents; the stories of Sam and Angelina Iacovetto are plentiful and way entertaining. ~

Monday, June 16, 2008

To Daddy

So.... I have a ton of paperwork to do for my husband's business, but don't want to do any of it; I'm so sick of forms. UG! Do you think the IRS, or the Department of Revenue would mind if I didn't send in my quarterly reports? HA! Just kidding, I'll get to them before 11:00 p.m. since I know my daddy reads my blog I need to put a big HAPPY BELATED FATHER'S DAY! Yes, I remembered to call him, I'm not that terrible of a daughter, but no one answered at 8:00 p.m. (probably sleeping because of his work schedule). You have been a great father and I am truly proud to be your daughter and am amazed by you and in awe of you. I love everything about you, thank you! Now be looking in the mail for something that we sent you, but I don't think you'll be getting it until around the 26th. I don't know why I just didn't have it shipped here so I could bring it up with me when we come up this weekend, but my brain wasn't working...such is life sometimes. My husband is outside working on this never ending car project, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me. It was still a tremendous deal and I think I've finally convinced him to let a mechanic look at it (what is it with guys and their cars? Same thing with guys and asking for directions). My sons are taking a much needed siesta after a jammed pack Father's Day with their dad and older sisters, not to mention the park excursion this morning. My Samuel fought his afternoon rest time, but I think it's only because he knew he'd fall asleep during his afternoon movie, heaven forbid! ~

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Selective Hearing

UG! My children are out of control today and I would love to blame the rain, but I think they're a little over tired from having a late night at the Rockies game. We had a blast and it was the first time Isaac has been to a professional game, but today we are paying for the 10:30 pm bedtime. Cody is out working on his car project; I think the fuel pump job is a bigger project than he I am betting he'll end up getting a mechanic to finish the job. He's already been to Wal-Mart this morning and Checkers to get extra tools he needed that he didn't have, but once the car is running I know it will be worth all the work and the money. Samuel and Isaac have been to the park already this morning with their dad and I decided that I would take them to the library for something to do on this now rainy day. For the most part they have played very well together this summer; there has been a lot of wrestling and imaginative play with action figures between the occasional fighting. Isaac has been threatened with not being able to go to the library this morning due to his inability to we'll see whether he holds up his end of the bargain. Sometimes I think my four year old has selective hearing until he gets in trouble for it; nothing like giving a quick swat in the pants before noon. ~

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thrilling Purchase

Most of my married life we have been a one car family, but over the weekend my husband changed all that once again as he purchased a 1992 Toyota Celica GT Convertible, black. I know, I know; most of you are thinking, "Why? Number one, why would you get a convertible, and number two, why a 1992?" For sentimental value. This is the model, the exact color, year and make that my husband sold to pay for my last year of college and while we always said, "We'll get it back," we never really thought we we are thrilled with what we are calling a little gift from God. Cody was my fiance at the time he sold his first one and I remember thinking that was the first time I knew he was serious about us and me; this was real devotion...and it still is 13 years later (we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary this year). Well, enough about memory lane; I'm just so thrilled. Both boys are napping as we are going to the Rockies game tonight; in fact Samuel and Isaac's t-ball teams all get to this should be a lot of fun. Samuel has been before, but this will be Isaac's first time and while I know we will have a good time, I'm a little nervous as I'm sure he'll be needing some type of refreshment or treat almost constantly to keep him seated and not restless. I'm sure we will have sampled some of the baseball concessions finest foods by the nights end. ~

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stupid Teeth

Ah,... the sound of the weed eater running along the back fence and around the legs of the swing set; the aroma of newly cut grass and weeds wafting through my back screen door. I do love that smell, but I do think my grass will be exceptionally short this summer due to my husband's new lawn mower purchase at Lowe's. This morning Isaac had his first T-ball practice and game; nothing like herding a bunch of 4 year olds and trying to keep their attention. Every time a ball was hit it was like watching a bunch of flies to a fresh cow pie; 9 little boys all running to the same spot yelling, "I got it! I got it!" only to hit heads while the ball hits the grass and the runner takes all bases; hilarious! Samuel helped coach them while the team was up to bat, but as soon as the team took the field then Samuel would come and play his Game Boy sitting next to me. He really wanted to play the field with this brother too, but that would have been just very unfair and illegal seems how he is not a four year old. Well, Cody will be visiting the dentist Monday morning for a broken filling and tooth; my poor husband and his mouth, it's like they're enemies. All my husband had to do this afternoon was eat a chip and out a back filling pops; tonight was supposed to be 'Sonic' night; we'll see if that happens now. I can't imagine eating that tasty dinner in front of my husband while he's sucking down some tomato soup...and I was looking forward to that jalapeno burger. UG! ~

Friday, June 6, 2008

Movie Night

I am feeling good about myself and my life right now and I am very excited that I'm back into a Bible study. There is nothing better in the world than surrounding myself with as much of God and his teachings as I can...makes me feel a whole lot of peace inside and a lot more relaxed in life. Cody went out looking at vehicles this morning as we are thinking about, but not necessarily committed to, buying a second car. My husband had a tremendously successful month in May and things are definitely looking up in the business this may be a good move right now seems how it looks as if he's going to be on the road more and as long as we stay within our budget no time is better than now; we'll see. What he has found so far has not impressed us. Samuel is helping his brother play the video game Robots; they have been playing so well together lately. Samuel also has been wearing his Ninja Turtles hanky on his head all week like he's a little biker and he wants it on has soon as he wakes up and doesn't take it off until he goes to bed; how cute. Isaac is picking dinner tonight as tonight is Family Movie Night, but since it's Sam's turn to pick the movie, Isaac gets to pick the food. I have a feeling we may be eating Taco Bell, or McDonald's and then we are going to go relax and listen to the concert over at The Orchard for a little before we come home in time for the movie and bed. Sounds like a great night!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Political Garb

I am ready for the political garb to already be done with; not that it's even really started, but this household holds one Democrat and one Republican and even though we love each other dearly, our discussions can get rather heated. I love my husband very much and am happily married and satisfied in every other way than this one; he's just a little ignorant in his thinking (just kidding), but that's am I if I'm honest with myself. AH! Anyway, my husband is out running errands and fetching dinner from the grocery I better shush it. The problem is that we are both passionate with our political we have to respect each other and the good thing is we may get heated, but we never hold it against the other. After all, what's life if you can't be passionate about something? And he should be just as passionate as I am...I don't want to ever control him or tell him how to feel. If someones passionate about something, they should really stick to it until they change on their own accord, not to please someone kudos! Kudos to you honey for standing up for your beliefs! Samuel and Isaac are enjoying some afternoon candy after the hail storm we had woke them both from their slumbering rest times. We ended up all cuddling up together in my bed and watching a movie while the storm passed; good memories were made, I hope.~

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Buzz Cuts

I am so tired! I love the sun, but man does it drain me, and during the summer all my boys want to do is be outside. I am thankful that they like to be out so much, but sometimes I have to beg, "Can we PLEASE go in for just 20 minutes?" And then I usually get a begrudging, "okay mom" look. However, I can't complain to much today as my husband has been with the boys since 11:00 this morning at a birthday party that I did not attend due to taking care of Maliya (the little girl I watch). My husband in awesome! I am very blessed with such a family man and someone who is so in tuned to me and my needs and who doesn't mind taking the boys "off my hands" for a while. Not to mention that Samuel should get his share of my pay as he loves to help me with Maliya and she loves to be with him. Tonight Samuel has T-ball and this morning I heard him wake up at 6:30; I think his body is still used to waking up at that time for he'll be good and tired tonight after having a three hour birthday party this morning too. Isaac and Samuel both received summer buzz cuts last night from their hopefully I won't hear, "Mom, my head is sweating!" any longer. Cody uses the clippers while I use the vacuum setting of 'sucking up' so that the boys don't feel the hair touch their skin as it falls; otherwise it's a screaming and crying match while we struggle to keep them still and they wiggle trying to get away from the hair that's landing all over their bodies. Then it's Sonic treats for everyone; nothing like a little bribery. ~

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wonderful Summer

What's with the retarded ice cream truck outside? First of all I know that they are not supposed to be in my neighborhood (a good friend worked the ice cream truck for a summer), and second, don't they know my kids can hear that thing like a dog to a high pitched, unbearable sound to the human ear kind of way? Can't tell that I'm a little annoyed with the thing, can you? Actually I don't mean to be to hard, it is a lively song, but it calls to my children even out of a deep nap to spend mom and dad's money and eat sweets; two things I don't like to do really. My husband is out running errands and I am taking a breather after having a fun filled morning with my boys. Hopefully my husband isn't out at Home Depot trying to buy some more flowers for me; I bought enough yesterday, but he doesn't think so. Anyway, this morning I played in the back yard with my boys in the water and then this afternoon after lunch we went to a wonderful new kids area by our house that has water fountains that shoot water high out of the ground for the kids to do whatever in and so I wore them out more there too. I think I am really going to enjoy spending most of my summer with just my boys now that I am down to watching only one little girl three times a week. Party on! ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...