Friday, June 6, 2008

Movie Night

I am feeling good about myself and my life right now and I am very excited that I'm back into a Bible study. There is nothing better in the world than surrounding myself with as much of God and his teachings as I can...makes me feel a whole lot of peace inside and a lot more relaxed in life. Cody went out looking at vehicles this morning as we are thinking about, but not necessarily committed to, buying a second car. My husband had a tremendously successful month in May and things are definitely looking up in the business this may be a good move right now seems how it looks as if he's going to be on the road more and as long as we stay within our budget no time is better than now; we'll see. What he has found so far has not impressed us. Samuel is helping his brother play the video game Robots; they have been playing so well together lately. Samuel also has been wearing his Ninja Turtles hanky on his head all week like he's a little biker and he wants it on has soon as he wakes up and doesn't take it off until he goes to bed; how cute. Isaac is picking dinner tonight as tonight is Family Movie Night, but since it's Sam's turn to pick the movie, Isaac gets to pick the food. I have a feeling we may be eating Taco Bell, or McDonald's and then we are going to go relax and listen to the concert over at The Orchard for a little before we come home in time for the movie and bed. Sounds like a great night!

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...