Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Paddle Boating

My knees are killing me! At first glance 30 minutes of paddle boating doesn't seem it's a long time, or that big of a deal, but let me tell you that even though I had given thought to the strain to my quads (which incidentally are not hurting at all), I didn't give my knee joints a thought. Now I feel like I'm trying to give birth out my right knee cap every time I walk and the stairs have now taken the form of a "fourteen er". My husband is walking around like it's just another day; which is so not fair seems how he's 19 years older! In fact, he is even the one that has had knee surgery! Oh well, we had a great time out at E.B. Raines Park and that was the first time we had rented one of their paddle boats; I would highly recommend it; the kids loved every minute. Samuel and Isaac enjoyed $1.50 hot dogs and sodas while Cody and I paddled out to the middle of the lake where there is a great fountain that you can't help muscle your way to so that you can enjoy the full experience by getting sprayed/soaked. Needless to say my eldest son's hot dog bun became duck food when the white bread fell of into the lake while he was screaming and trying his hardest to cover his short haired head (as if a hot dog would cover him; use the plate next time goof ball). Isaac's hot dog had long since been residing in his no sogginess there, and no head covering either, just a bunch of wide eyed laughter from a hyped up and very happy four year old. ~

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But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...