Saturday, June 7, 2008

Stupid Teeth

Ah,... the sound of the weed eater running along the back fence and around the legs of the swing set; the aroma of newly cut grass and weeds wafting through my back screen door. I do love that smell, but I do think my grass will be exceptionally short this summer due to my husband's new lawn mower purchase at Lowe's. This morning Isaac had his first T-ball practice and game; nothing like herding a bunch of 4 year olds and trying to keep their attention. Every time a ball was hit it was like watching a bunch of flies to a fresh cow pie; 9 little boys all running to the same spot yelling, "I got it! I got it!" only to hit heads while the ball hits the grass and the runner takes all bases; hilarious! Samuel helped coach them while the team was up to bat, but as soon as the team took the field then Samuel would come and play his Game Boy sitting next to me. He really wanted to play the field with this brother too, but that would have been just very unfair and illegal seems how he is not a four year old. Well, Cody will be visiting the dentist Monday morning for a broken filling and tooth; my poor husband and his mouth, it's like they're enemies. All my husband had to do this afternoon was eat a chip and out a back filling pops; tonight was supposed to be 'Sonic' night; we'll see if that happens now. I can't imagine eating that tasty dinner in front of my husband while he's sucking down some tomato soup...and I was looking forward to that jalapeno burger. UG! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...