Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thrilling Purchase

Most of my married life we have been a one car family, but over the weekend my husband changed all that once again as he purchased a 1992 Toyota Celica GT Convertible, black. I know, I know; most of you are thinking, "Why? Number one, why would you get a convertible, and number two, why a 1992?" For sentimental value. This is the model, the exact color, year and make that my husband sold to pay for my last year of college and while we always said, "We'll get it back," we never really thought we we are thrilled with what we are calling a little gift from God. Cody was my fiance at the time he sold his first one and I remember thinking that was the first time I knew he was serious about us and me; this was real devotion...and it still is 13 years later (we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary this year). Well, enough about memory lane; I'm just so thrilled. Both boys are napping as we are going to the Rockies game tonight; in fact Samuel and Isaac's t-ball teams all get to this should be a lot of fun. Samuel has been before, but this will be Isaac's first time and while I know we will have a good time, I'm a little nervous as I'm sure he'll be needing some type of refreshment or treat almost constantly to keep him seated and not restless. I'm sure we will have sampled some of the baseball concessions finest foods by the nights end. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...