Monday, January 12, 2009

God's Creation

Just finished refreshing my house plants with much needed water; which strikes me ironic as the vegetation outside is covered in hidden, white, cold water. My house is finally put together and I am able to get back to the daily routines of now keeping it clean, cooking and playing with my children without the need to unpack more boxes, or hang more pictures. let's be honest, those of you who really know me know that I'm really done because my self imposed deadline has come and passed, but I really don't need to unpack anymore stuff. Whatever is left in the garage could go to the thrift store here, most of it anyway, there are somethings I won't let go of yet. Cody is down at the restaurant plowing yet more snow and waiting for Ferrell Gas to get there with the propane tank. He is so excited about getting some heat into that place; maybe than he can take off some layers while he's trying to work even inside; it's freezing in there! I am totally amazed and overwhelmed by the beauty I live in now; I must have taken this for granted before. If you were here with me right now you would see mountains covered in so much snow that it looks like our plowed streets are made of powdered sugar icing and the mounds of snow that buffer our streets (made by the snow plows) look like clumps of yummy marshmallow filling. The sky is clear blue, and I mean CLEAR blue, not a hint of pollution with the sun beating down making parts of the snow crystal like, gleaming diamond shards out there waiting to be picked. The contrast of the brilliant blue and the shinny white is gorgeous. I LOVE IT! HALLELUJAH! This is God's creation and I am in awe! ~

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But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...