Friday, January 30, 2009

So Righteous

So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man. ~ Acts 24:16

The moral fiber of this country has been tested by immoral integrity, greed and unclear consciences and questionable character. I think of the man who just stole millions of dollars through his Ponzi scam; he didn't care who he hurt for what he wanted. What baffles me is why his conscience let him do such a thing? Didn't he care that he was hurting these people, not helping them? Do we not care for each other anymore? Who is out there that genuinely wants to help people? The characteristic of a clear conscience before God and man to do what is right, pure, noble, and of Christ like is hard to find and I dare say even among us so called Christians. You say, "I have that." What I find more and more often for us Christians is that we have that in the confines of what we have set up as our worldly rights while our spiritual heritage is often tossed to the side. We are still very righteous and if the truth be known, many of us like to say we have the conscience of God, but when given the opportunity to show that powerful trait we fail. The conscience of God means to be fully in him and as much like him as possible. The Bible says that if a friend asks for the shirt off your back, give him his cloak also, but let's be real my friends, most of us give him our dirty shirt at best (and grudgingly) let alone give him our jacket! We are a prideful Christian nation. We talk out of both sides of our mouths. We say, "Let us pray for you" and "Call us if you need anything so that we can help" when most of the time what we really mean is, "I don't really want to know, I really don't want to help and I will pray for you should I think about it. I have to much of my own life to deal with." I am saddened by the pride and the righteousness with which we deal no only to believers, the fakeness of it all, but I am doubly saddened that we would act such a way to nonbelievers. My prayer is that I can find good Christian friends who are willing to fight the good fight of striping pride and standing up for a Godly conscience. To find good friends that have the conscience of God to help each other no matter what the cost to me. Shame on us for being so righteous. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...