Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Goal

One of my New Year's Goals (Thanks, Lisa) for this year is that I would trust God first in every situation of my life. Yes, I do this most of the time, but let's be honest - most Christians do this with 75% of our lives and hang on to the other 25%. I want to surrender and trust with it all! I really want to live "in" Jesus and I really want to live knowing that I am in his hands and everything (including my body) truly does belong to why do I worry and why stress out? The thing is that most of the time I am very fearful of things being taken away from my family, or from me, but if that was to ever really happen than I need to COMPLETELY SURRENDER to the fact that Christ owned whatever it was that was taken away anyway. Enough about that ~ Cody is upstairs watching the football game (Chargers vs. Steelers) and really wants the Steelers to win. He has a disdain for the Chargers that I've never really seen before and I could care less if it's not the Broncos. Samuel and Isaac are getting along better today and have actually been able to play Lego's Star Wars on the Nintendo Gamecube without arguing. Some days they are so loving to each other and then some days they can't stand each other; the thing is I'm spoiled with more days of them loving each other than not so it really gets to me when they aren't getting along - that's probably with every parent I'll just shut up now. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...