Saturday, January 17, 2009

One another

Be kind and compassionate to one another. Ephesians 4:32. This has whole new meaning to me this year as I reflect on my goals for this group of 365 days we call 2009. This needs to be my theme verse and not just to anyone and everyone, but to my one and only man. God is working with me on being a more encouraging wife and He is teaching me that part of that is to keep my mouth shut and don't say anything to my husband that isn't kind, supportive, or won't leave him feeling better. This is so much out of my comfort zone; not with everything, but with a lot as I have no problem letting things fly and I am learning that this is not meant as "constructive criticism", but rather I am just being plain mean sometimes. I need to stop that IMMEDIATELY!

Cody is helping the boys put their model plane (Samuel) and train (Isaac) together that they received for Christmas from their Uncle Clyde and Aunt Heidi. Actually, they are 3D wooden puzzles that you can put together that the boys have started to collect and display in their rooms. We had a great day sledding with some friends on their property outside of town; a sledding party of the sorts with a number of different families. The conditions and hill were fabulous! The hill is long enough that at the end you are pulled back up on a snowmobile. Five hours of sun and fun I tell ya! And I mean "wear you out so you can sleep better" type of fun. Good times! Thanks Geigers! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...