Monday, January 19, 2009

Peaceful Morning

There is something a little sweet and somewhat naughty about not getting dressed and ready for the day until 10:00 a.m. Most days I am up and ready for the day no later than 8, 8:30, but this morning we had a leisurely and restful start to the day with a fabulous, hearty family breakfast; nothing short of peaceful. Cody is now down at the restaurant meeting with the food salesman from Sysco and then he's off to his second funeral since we've moved home. Let's face it, his classmates' parents and my own in-laws are getting along in years; which only stands to reason that there are more funerals that he needs to attend and the ever present reality that moving here in part to be closer to his parents was an opportunity we're glad we didn't pass up. You just don't know what the future holds. As for me, I don't have any real plans for the day outside of playing with my children and maybe taking them ice skating. Their Uncle Clyde is thinking of going ice fishing this afternoon and taking his nephews with; hot dog if that happens! I'll get some time alone to watch MY recorded shows and get the bathrooms cleaned. Samuel is trying to convince his little brother to go outside with him, but Isaac would much rather stay in and make martians with his new alien maker. Samuel would stay outside all day long; he has stayed out long enough that his socks were actually dripping with water soaked as they were through his boots, but he just didn't care. He loves it! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...