Thursday, February 26, 2009

Complacent Not

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10

Each of us have a God given ability and, or talent that we are to use to his glory and to further his kingdom. Do you know what your gift is? I often hear people say, "What is my purpose here on earth?" However, I think the better question is, "What are my gifts/talents, my strong characteristics, my abilities and am I using them to God's glory?" The purpose here on earth is easy for me to answer: it's to bring praise, glory and honor to God; but finding out how to do that is what is more difficult. There are so many traits of my personality that I can't stand: I don't like change; I am always one step ahead of worry and believe it or not, I'm not really a people person (no, really, chances are that if I see you in the grocery store I will turn the other way just not to have to talk, but I really do love you). Then there are the traits that I know are stronger: I'm pretty organized; I am a schedule freak (good and bad); I tend to get things done once I set my mind to it; I have a love for and can connect with almost any teenager and I've been told I have a strong will for perseverance. I know this for sure: my soul is happiest when it's involved in some sort of ministry, or when I feel like I'm being used for God's kingdom. Right now I am using my abilities and talents to encourage, uplift and honor my husband with what seems like an overwhelming adventure while mothering my children the best to my ability. However, no matter how overwhelmed I feel, because I know it's part of the bigger plan God has for this family, I will use my git of perseverance and trudge on. What's your ability and are you using it? Or have you become complacent? Let's hope not! ~

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Much Better

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. ~ Psalms 1:6

Hallelujah! Once again, HALLELUJAH! Let me put this clearly: THE WORLD WILL NOT WIN! WE DO! This sometimes evil world and it's army of followers can shove their wicked, immoral and nasty beliefs down my throat, but I will not conform and the wicked WILL account one day to everything they stand for now and will be sorely disappointed with their reward. I have to remember that I am blessed for standing up for the morals of the Holy God who continually gets trampled on over and over, day by day by a world that, and here's the sad part, HE CREATED! There are times when I wonder, "Where is my blessing?" However, my blessing will be much bigger in heaven than it ever will be down here and I am thankful that justice will be served and out of my hands. Make no mistake about it! The Bible makes it very clear - EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT HE IS LORD! Do you think that's reserved only for us in heaven? I highly doubt it. I believe with my whole heart that those even in hell will be forced to profess these words and by then it will be to late. They will wonder, "Why didn't I listen?" The gnashing of teeth will be from people screaming and crying in agony, from people forced to acknowledge a little to late that Jesus Christ is Lord, and from people who will be forced to say it even though they don't yet still want to admit it. Why go there? Why not accept it now? EVERY KNEE. Why not be part of the righteous that wins now and feels unconditional, whole, and complete grace, mercy and love now? Don't you want peace? Open up your eyes; your spiritual eyes! Vengeance is God's and according to Psalms 1:6, he will get it. Make no mistake! Are you go to confess it now, or later? Believe me, now is much better! ~

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hold Onto

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. ~ Hebrews 6:19-20a

This is not my home! I am so thankful of this for what a mess we have made, me included, of this world. During this time of economic crisis I have heard "Ways to beat the Recession" on the news for the last couple of nights. I know how to ride out the recession, but it's not the way the world would have me do it as it doesn't lie in HOW, but in WHO. I don't need to know how, but I need to remember who can help me through this and I need to hold firm to the anchor that is Jesus Christ. We need to remember that we are firm and secure in Him no matter what is going on around us, or how our world feels like it's falling apart. In this time of crisis for our nation, I wonder if God isn't challenging us to rely more on Him; if he isn't saying, "I hold the world in my hands. I tried to get your attention before and you wouldn't I'm allowing this to see if you'll listen now." In many homes, if you ever needed God to show up, it's now and he's wanting to prove himself to you if you would just let him. I have to hang on because God calls us to persevere; I have to know that this is part of a bigger picture that I don't see because I have faith; I have to know that everything will be okay because I trust in him. We are not in control no matter how badly we want to believe we are and so we have to hold firm and secure and find wise and understanding counsel to weather these hard times. We need to hold onto the anchor and he will hold onto us. ~

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Youthful Happiness

Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment. ~ Ecclesiastes 11:9

Be children while you are children and be adults when you are adults! Let this truth resound with the youth of today and be a friendly reminder to teenagers and young adults alike that one day you will account for everything. More importantly for me today, this also serves as a remainder that I should let my innocent children run and play without stifling their joy. I was just telling a friend of mine that I am trying to become more of a "yes" mom and more spontaneous with them while they are young. Happiness for children can be as simple as being allowed to play in the snow for an extra 10 minutes, playing another round of Candy Land, or taking 20 minutes out of my busy day to play Rescue Action Heroes with them. My children don't need much to make them happy and I am glad of that, but I also know that I can often stifle their happiness when I feel like their choice of activity is inconvenient for me. That's the behavior of mine I want to stop. They are going to be pushed, molded and taught how to stifle their child like happiness and joy to fit into a routine schedule by this worldly society sooner than not and I need to let them have their childhood joy now. I also pray that I am teaching them how to have a joyous life inside the confines of God's law so that when those worldly thoughts come into their heads that they think will give them happiness they will remember that they will have to account for those to God also. We will account for the happiness let's make sure it's clean, innocent and youthful happiness. ~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

This Race

Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. ~ Psalms 1:4-5

There are times when I get so mad over the struggles of life and even more specific, the financial struggles of life. In this economy, in this recession it seems like everyone is just trying to stay afloat, let alone get ahead. Yet, I can look around at the people I do know who appear to have their stuff together and get discouraged when it looks as if they have it all while we struggle. I know people who are not feeling the burden of this economy and don't believe in God and I ask, "Why are they taken care of and we have to struggle by?" Sometimes I can answer that question and other times I can't, but I have to remember that God says that the wicked will not have the eternal rewards that I will and that's really what matters. Of course I want everyone I know to be in heaven, but when I think about people who make great wealth and who don't know God, they are worse off than me. There will come a time when they will blow away like chaff in the wind and I will stand strong in that storm. I will one day be in the assembly of the righteous and so even though I am not there now, or have any idea what that will feel like, I need to be reminded that this is not my home and these struggles are not forever. Let's face it, life here is hard, but if we are a follower of Jesus Christ, we will win this race. ~

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm Glorious

Lord, you have seen what is in my heart. You know all about me. ~ Psalm 139:1

There are days when I wish I was someone completely different than I am; days when I feel like nobody understands me. There are even days when I can't stand being in my own skin, do you ever feel like that? Days when you don't understand why God made you the way he did and so you just throw up your hands and say WHATEVER! One of my biggest flaws, if not the biggest in my eyes, is my inability to accept change; it's not that I can't change, it's just that I despise change and fight it tooth and nail. I don't know why God made me the way he did in that area; I do not like things being shaken up and so moving back to the mountains in December, even though this is home, was tremendously hard for me. Sometimes I feel like my heart and my emotional well being is one big mess. I have never really struggled with my outward appearance, I have been fairly comfortable with it, but I have often struggled with who I am inside and who I think I should be. Outward beauty and vanity have always taken a backseat compared to how I rank myself emotionally, mentally and spiritually. However, God knows me, he knows my heart and everything about me, HE made me this way and I need to learn to accept myself emotionally and mentally for who He made me to be. I am glorious in his sight. The Lord sees my heart and he knows when it needs a little cleansing and he knows when that life giving organ is okay....not just physically, but most importantly, spiritually. Here is what I need to remember: I am beautifully and wonderfully made outside and INSIDE no matter what I, or anyone else thinks. God knows and understands me and I can rest in that. ~

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Be Protected

For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life, keeping you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of the wayward wife. ~ Proverbs 6:23

For every follower of Jesus Christ we should make sure that we keep the commands of his Word and we should use it as an instruction manual for everyday living. Here's the problem: Many of us have let the worldly ways muddy our views and now what we used to few as being light is slowly becoming overcast and therefore turning to a dulled shadow. We take what we want from the Bible and tend to flush the rest because, well, it "just doesn't fit with today's society and social ideals", or "it was written at a different time and therefore doesn't pertain to today". You have to be kidding me, right? Since when did Jesus say, "Follow me, but do what you want with my commands and laws. Flush what you don't want and just find your own way,"? If you're not going to go all out for Christ and try to love him, his ways and his commands, than why did you accept him as your personal savior? Seriously. Just because it sounds good. Because you're hoping you'll get into heaven? Since when as parents, do we give our children instruction, but than don't really care if they listen, or follow? If you tell your child, "Don't run out into the street," and then they do just that, do you just throw up your hands and say, "Well, I guess they really didn't like that rule so...that's okay." NO WAY! I don't know about you all, but if I tell my sons not to do something that is for their own good and then they do just that, I tend to get down in their little faces and give them the what for in a firm, but loving way. My suggestion is that's how God works with us in regards to his commands; you can not flush them without there being a little discipline lovingly thrown into your sweet face. May I suggest that the commands and laws were also meant to protect us; protect us from the evil forces that want to destroy you. Honestly, you already know this, but you have let down your guard somewhere along the line in the name of, and I'm getting ready to offend someone, LOVE. We want to appease the world with LOVE, but we can't always do that without being a little tough sometimes. We are not going to get along with everyone when this is not our home and we can't continuously try at the price of our relationship with God. Let his commands, his teachings and his discipline permeate your life so that you may be protected. Don't flush it for this world. Yes, love them, but don't sell out for them, or their version of love. As a follower of Christ you are not supposed to be of this world. Be protected! ~

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Request It

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~ Matthew 19:14 Jesus loves children. He loves everyone, I know that, but he loves the innocent children who come to Him without any hesitation, but full of expectation. My four year old has been struggling with a cold for the last couple of days, but last night when we were saying prayers I just added a quick, "And take Isaac's cold away so that he can feel better in the morning." This morning while he was eating breakfast he said, "Mommy! Mommy! I feel better! God took my cold away!" I just smiled and hugged him tightly and silently prayed to myself God give me that kind of simple belief. Oh sure, I believe in God and I believe all his precepts, promises and his Word, but I do not always have the simplicity of trust and answered prayer as my children do. If things aren't going my way I can get down right angry sometimes instead of taking it for what it is: God's answer to a prayer, even if it's NO, it's still an answer. The problem is that I don't think God should answer NO, but that's because I can't see the consequences of a YES and he can. Maybe if he answered YES everytime than he knows I would say NO to him somewhere later and my heart doesn't want any part of that. One of my goals this year is to remember that God is a god who answers prayers even if it looks like he hasn't even heard me. So, I need to come to him as a little child comes to his father with my prayers, petitions, and requests with thanksgiving, ask of him what I want and accept his answer. No matter what. ~

Monday, February 9, 2009

Living Water

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ~ Psalm 1:2-3

But what about when it looks like the darkness of discouragement could swallow me up? WHATEVER HE DOES PROSPERS! What if it looks like things aren't going the way I wanted, or in my perfect timing? WHATEVER HE DOES PROSPERS! But you don't understand, things look so bleak and I feel so drained. WHATEVER HE DOES PROSPERS! Here's the kicker folks, it doesn't matter what your going through, what your feeling, or even if it looks hopeless and maybe your situation turns out polar opposite of what you thought, if you delight in the Lord and meditate on his word and obey his law, than you will not wither but instead prosper. Sure, it may be that you've lost your job, your home, your health, your family, but your God has not lost you. Not to make light of the economical situation, but I have to believe, and I will continue to believe that all things work together of the good of those who love the Lord. It's scriptural! I don't understand and I can't see the bigger picture, but I guarantee God does and I firmly believe that through every trial if I could fast forward five years, I'd probably see the refining moment that God used during that trial and be glad for it. Truthfully I think it looks pretty bleak for a lot of us at the moment, but God tells me that whatever I do will prosper. May not prosper the way I think I should, may not be financially, or stress free, but what about all the little gifts and blessings in my family. Let me count just a few for you: I have NEVER been to the emergency room with my boys and they are 6 & 4, my husband has a cyst the size of a softball on his kidney that has not changed for two years and is not a threat to him at all (this is not the news we got at first diagnosis), my step-daughters have been saved from sure death more than once each, we have been blessed financially more than once when I thought everything was a total bust and I have been able to stay home with my boys from birth even though times have been tight numerous times. He has always provided. I have always prospered and I expect that I will continue to, for the bible says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (Hebrews 12:1-3). As long as we keep our eyes fixed on the race and follow the Lords degrees and laws we will prosper, I expect it! For I will keep planted firmly by the stream of living water. ~

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Will Surrender

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7

Daily I have to remind myself of this simple, yet very complex command from the Lord; actually I have to remind myself more than once on any give day. I am a champion of worry; always one step in front of it and I think most Americans are; especially women (men too, but I just know more woman); it's almost like it's in our makeup, but we know that's not true for God didn't intend for us to be this way. Just look at all the anti-anxiety medications that are on the market to help us slow down the inner million miles an hour maxed out and stressed out marathon that coarses through our veins. Anxiety has become a normality in this society which I'd like to suggest is only another symptom of the declining moral fiber and proof that we are not in control even though we so deperately want to be. Let me explain: If we were truly a God fearing nation we would understand that we are not in control and shouldn't worry. Okay, we still are human, so we wouldn't have it completely figured out, but by pushing God further out of our social morals we have plagued ourselves with worry and anxiety at an alarming rate trying to find our own way around a sinful and oppressed world; which he never intended us to do, but probably knew we would. Seriously, think about it, if we're so in control then we are doing a horrible job of managing our lives when it's riddled with anxiety. Are you a good manager? We're called to give up our anxiety and our control by going to God in prayer and petitions for EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! The way I read that scripture is that if we want peace we need to let go and let God instead of trying to being worked up inside. I need to remember that God has a purpose, a reason and a season for everything and that I can come to him with my requests and just rest in knowing that he heard me and that he will answer me. However, just because he doesn't answer in my timing, or in the way I want, I need to remember that he is still in control of EVERYTHING and I need to give my worry and anxiety to him also. Than, and only than, can I expect his perfect peace when I give him EVERYTHING! Thank you Jesus! I will surrender. ~

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Loving Anger

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. ~ Psalms 1:1

Basically blessed are we who stand up for what is right! There is a part of me that thinks if we would stand up for our God given rights as Christians as much as the worldly stand up for theirs this world would be completely different. This has become one of my biggest pet peeves; that we can't, or I should say don't push our holy agenda nearly enough. Not that we should be mean spirited, but there is a part of me that knows Jesus and God has been and does get angry, make no mistake. For some reason we have this preconceived notion that God is just this huge grandfatherly type up in heaven forgiving us without any consequences and just loving us through everything. While I believe this to be true to some degree, I also know that even though he is slow to anger, he still gets there sometimes. Jesus was angry when he turned the tables on the tax collectors in the temple, God was angry when he flooded the earth, he was mad when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and don't you think he was a little perturbed in the parable of the shrewed manager when the man didn't increase his talents? I am angry at the continued mockery of the Christian faith in this increasingly sickened world and, hold onto your hats people, it's not all their fault. If they can push me, than why can't I push them? The fact of the matter is that anger is an emotion that God gave used in a healthy way it evidently can be affective. You say, "Well, that's just not the way of Christ." Maybe, but I think God would want us to hold up his light no matter who we offended if it meant the betterment of his kingdom, glory and purposes. I will stand up! Granted, not as much as I should or could, but if we continue to just sugar coat everything instead of standing up, than we're just as much at fault for the increasing decay of this world. A small step is just the beginning and yes, I'll do it in love, but not without the truth. The only way to diminish the darkness is to shine light into it and fight back with force if need be. It's the devil we're fighting against, not the people and I don't want to sit back because I'm afraid I'm going to offend. I'm going to hold up the torch as best I can, defend MY RIGHTS to my freedom of speech (yes, it's our freedom also contrary to popular belief) and hopefully find a way to do it in loving anger all at the same time. ~

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kind Mittens

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. ~ Ephesians 4:2

A computer chip that is chalked full of humility, gentleness, patience and unconditional love needs to be invented and then made mandatory for quick issue into the body after you are engaged to be married. This would prohibit the "dating" period (you know the period of time when you are totally in bliss for one another) from ending so abruptly once you are married as it would be activated on your wedding day. For most of us we would say that our husbands need that seems how they lose all romantic interest in us after we're married. I've heard it said, "My husband used to be like that when we were dating, but not anymore!" or "Why should I have to work for the milk now that I've got the cow at home." Which is horrible, but you get the jest. Well, I have to say that for me it's the opposite; my husband still tends to be romantic, but I've turned into the nagger. The chip will never happen and it really shouldn't seems how it's just, well, plain ridiculous for one, but would also interfere with our free will. All I know is that I, not my husband (and I'm not being sarcastic, but completely honest), needs to learn to be more gentle, humble and for sure more patient within our marriage. I have a tendency to bear with him in a melancholy tone, or in a "you need to" tone than in the love tone. If I'm honest with myself I bear with my husband in a tone that shouts, "YOU OWE ME (fill in the blank)," than anything else. Patience has never been a strong suit for me when it comes to the emotional state of the heart, or the waiting of things to happen. Sure, I can wait for monetary things like nobody's business because I don't like to shop and I can be a penny pincher, but when it comes to things that I want to happen, I tend to run empty on the patience-o-meter. A good marriage has all three characteristics in check: patience, humility and love; and maybe not all the time, but most of it. I could use a lesson in putting down the claws and dealing with my husband with those kinds of mittens. ~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

All Loved

"My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." ~ Proverbs 3:11-12

Discipline is one of those subjects we generally talk about with other parents when we are having a hard time with our kids. Over the years I've heard, "I just don't like to discipline him. It's so hard to do," or "Sometimes I feel like that's all I do. I feel like I ride him all day." The topic is almost always talked about in parenting circles and discussed how we do it, how often we should do it, or even if we should do it at all. We even talk about the times we've been disciplined as children and laugh at them now years later, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about how they have been disciplined by our Heavenly Father. Is it taboo? Let me just tell you that I have been disciplined by God and you probably have been too. We don't talk about it because maybe we don't see it, or maybe we're like the kids and try to justify, or deny the discipline...or maybe it's because we're embarrassed. Sometimes I'll get angry at God if things aren't going my way as if I'm a three year old throwing a tantrum. I'm suggesting that maybe some of the trials, thoughts and feelings we have are because we are getting disciplined by God. And maybe, just maybe if we would ask him to show us our error, we would be able to get over ourselves and repent. I know that God has screamed at me. I know he has, he does it in love, but I know he has because I felt it in my soul and I'm not embarassed to say that I threw a tantrum right back at him. However, I have also felt his grace, mercy and loving arms holding me after our little parent/tantrum child episode and according to scripture, this is a sure sign of God's love for me. So I should be thankful I'm loved enough to be disciplined, even if I don't like it and we need to show the same love to our children. We're all loved. ~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everyday Hallelujah

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ~ Matthew 18:3

There are many faucets to this verse, but for me it's hitting my spiritual nerve yet again in an area I am learning to live in. Trust. If you've been reading any of my blog the last few months, you are probably seeing this reoccurring theme. My spiritual quest has been to remember all the things God has brought us through and to build on those remembrances deeper trust and faith in Him. Our God is AWESOME! As most of you know, my family and I moved back to the mountains at the beginning of December. When I look back at the last year and a half I can see how God has totally, without question, unequivocally led us back here and most of it was through trials. Without the trials that we have waded through and the constant cries out to Him for His will, I don't know that we would have completely trusted in Him and; therefore, we would have maybe felt the muffled pull of our hearts, but not the full force tug that was required to make us, especially me, say "Okay, it's time to move." I think, no, I know that God uses trials for His purposes and our good (even if we don't see it at the time) if we will just trust Him and hold on. Here's the kicker: this is not a one time learned lesson. I'm sure I'll have to remind myself to trust Him again through the next trial, but hopefully I'll be a little more maybe it'll be a little easier. Like I've said before, if I could just learn to come to my Heavenly Father as my boys come to their earthly father constantly, my soul would be forever comforted. But than again it's okay because His mercies are new everyday! Hallelujah! ~

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Children

Then Esau looked up and saw the women and children. "Who are these people with you?" he asked. Jacob answered, "They are the children God has so kindly given to me." ~ Genesis 33:5

There are many things God has kindly given me, but sometimes I just don't see my children as being one of them. Isn't that sad? But let's be honest, sometimes they can be down right annoying, but after reading this during my quiet time this morning I am reminded that my sometimes out of control 4 year old is a blessing from God directly to me and Cody. In reality he's not even ours, he is God's and so God has kindly entrusted this human being into our hands to bless us no matter if it looks like he's only here to try my patience some days. My children are God's precious innocent little gems and if I step back from the craziness that my son brings with him I only wish that I was more like him in his tenacity for life and his complete trust in his parents because the truth of the matter is if I learned how to trust God like he trusts me I think I would be in a completely different spiritual walk; one that is so peaceful.

Cody just went into Steamboat to have a business lunch with a friend; it actually sounds like more of a partnership that's good. When we were here years ago Cody and Scott worked well together and I think it sounds like they are going to try to pick that relationship back up; which will be good for both of them. So we'll see. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...