Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Much Better

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. ~ Psalms 1:6

Hallelujah! Once again, HALLELUJAH! Let me put this clearly: THE WORLD WILL NOT WIN! WE DO! This sometimes evil world and it's army of followers can shove their wicked, immoral and nasty beliefs down my throat, but I will not conform and the wicked WILL account one day to everything they stand for now and will be sorely disappointed with their reward. I have to remember that I am blessed for standing up for the morals of the Holy God who continually gets trampled on over and over, day by day by a world that, and here's the sad part, HE CREATED! There are times when I wonder, "Where is my blessing?" However, my blessing will be much bigger in heaven than it ever will be down here and I am thankful that justice will be served and out of my hands. Make no mistake about it! The Bible makes it very clear - EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT HE IS LORD! Do you think that's reserved only for us in heaven? I highly doubt it. I believe with my whole heart that those even in hell will be forced to profess these words and by then it will be to late. They will wonder, "Why didn't I listen?" The gnashing of teeth will be from people screaming and crying in agony, from people forced to acknowledge a little to late that Jesus Christ is Lord, and from people who will be forced to say it even though they don't yet still want to admit it. Why go there? Why not accept it now? EVERY KNEE. Why not be part of the righteous that wins now and feels unconditional, whole, and complete grace, mercy and love now? Don't you want peace? Open up your eyes; your spiritual eyes! Vengeance is God's and according to Psalms 1:6, he will get it. Make no mistake! Are you go to confess it now, or later? Believe me, now is much better! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...