Thursday, February 26, 2009

Complacent Not

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. ~ 1 Peter 4:10

Each of us have a God given ability and, or talent that we are to use to his glory and to further his kingdom. Do you know what your gift is? I often hear people say, "What is my purpose here on earth?" However, I think the better question is, "What are my gifts/talents, my strong characteristics, my abilities and am I using them to God's glory?" The purpose here on earth is easy for me to answer: it's to bring praise, glory and honor to God; but finding out how to do that is what is more difficult. There are so many traits of my personality that I can't stand: I don't like change; I am always one step ahead of worry and believe it or not, I'm not really a people person (no, really, chances are that if I see you in the grocery store I will turn the other way just not to have to talk, but I really do love you). Then there are the traits that I know are stronger: I'm pretty organized; I am a schedule freak (good and bad); I tend to get things done once I set my mind to it; I have a love for and can connect with almost any teenager and I've been told I have a strong will for perseverance. I know this for sure: my soul is happiest when it's involved in some sort of ministry, or when I feel like I'm being used for God's kingdom. Right now I am using my abilities and talents to encourage, uplift and honor my husband with what seems like an overwhelming adventure while mothering my children the best to my ability. However, no matter how overwhelmed I feel, because I know it's part of the bigger plan God has for this family, I will use my git of perseverance and trudge on. What's your ability and are you using it? Or have you become complacent? Let's hope not! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...