Sunday, March 1, 2009

How Wonderful

My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. ~ Proverbs 23:15-16

My children are the joy of my life, but I am especially overwhelmed with joy when I hear things like, "I told my friend, Chris, today about Jesus because I think he was raised on curse words." AAHH! You get it! One of my most prayed prayers is: Lord, please cultivate a heart in my children after your own. Help them to love you and your ways and want to please you more than themselves or anyone else in the world. Sometimes I wonder if all the praying, the kids devotionals we do and all the church and Sunday school in the world will ever be enough to conform and then guard my children's minds and hearts from this world. Then they say something so profound, or I hear them talking to a friend, or asking someone if they want to come to church with us on Sunday and I rejoice in my heart. We often do a "thank you" game at the dinner table where we go around the table and write down on a small piece of paper what we are thankful for and then we put it into the thankful pot on the dining table. One night while we were going around the table, one son said he was thankful for GOD LOVING OUR FAMILY and the other one said he was thankful for MY HEAVENLY FATHER. Tears flood my eyes when I hear these kinds of words and wisdom come from a 6 year old and a 4 year old. Just think how much more it pleases God. Praise him, for he truly is a good God and one who answers our prayers....especially those regarding our children and those from our children. How wonderful! ~

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