Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Being

For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' ~ Acts 17:28

Do you know what you're living for? Do you know that you're royal children? There are many people out there searching for their purpose and reason for living and coming up short time and time again when they try to fill that purpose with something worldly, materialistic, or even, dare I say it, church based because they concentrate on the works they do for others, or their own ambition instead of looking to Christ. They forget about their relationship with Jesus and worry about their works for Jesus instead. There have been numerous times when I have gone before our Father and pleaded with Him to show me my purpose in life until I finally realized that I am here to be His daughter and to give him tremendous glory and unbridled respect; I am not here for myself and neither are you, but we are here to rest in our Father and spread His wonderful news that He has made a way for us to be free (and what a freedom it is)! FOR IN HIM I can rest and realize that everything happens for a reason and everything that doesn't happen that we thought should have, also has a reason and so we need to live in him and embrace the freedom that he gives us; the freedom to realize that He is our heavenly Father and he wants to triumphant over our worries, fears, anxieties, present, past and future if we would just let Him. Rest in Him. Just be. Be his daughter. Come to Him as our children come to us and let Him have the burden of taking care of us. Just be. Be worry free. For it is in Him and the rest that he provides that we have our being. ~

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