Wednesday, March 4, 2009

With Meaning

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? ~ Psalm 2:1

I'm sure that you can tell by now that a portion of what I am studying right now in my quiet time is the Psalms. Both the Psalms and Proverbs are chalked full of wisdom, life emotions, and often times questions that make my mind wheel. This verse struck me today in a way that I've never seen before, I've read it several times before, but today I read it in a new way. Before this morning I always read this verse as why is there war between nations? Why do we (and I mean nations and government in general) feel the need to exercise our powerful military to make others conform to our ways? However, today it came across as this: why, as America (and undoubtedly other nations as well), plot and conspire against the Lord God Almighty? What do we possibly have to gain by being so rebellious? Absolutely nothing! Didn't you notice the last word of the verse? It's all in VAIN! When Jesus comes back we will realize that all our immorality and conspiring to turn this world into a place of selfishness and self ambition and the notion of "looking out for myself", or "do what makes YOU feel good and happy" were but huge and gross ideas. That the war here on earth was not necessarily against people, but it always has been and always will be against spiritual powers and principalities that are unseen. We have sadly turned from the one and only and we will have done so in vain and in the process hurt not only ourselves, but a ton of innocent people. Let's remember who we are here for and why and quit taking part of the conspiracy. For the Lord himself has said that if we don't praise him, the rocks will even cry out. Don't live a life like that of a hamster spinning his wheel in vain and getting nowhere; live with meaning. ~

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