Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hold Onto

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. ~ Hebrews 6:19-20a

This is not my home! I am so thankful of this for what a mess we have made, me included, of this world. During this time of economic crisis I have heard "Ways to beat the Recession" on the news for the last couple of nights. I know how to ride out the recession, but it's not the way the world would have me do it as it doesn't lie in HOW, but in WHO. I don't need to know how, but I need to remember who can help me through this and I need to hold firm to the anchor that is Jesus Christ. We need to remember that we are firm and secure in Him no matter what is going on around us, or how our world feels like it's falling apart. In this time of crisis for our nation, I wonder if God isn't challenging us to rely more on Him; if he isn't saying, "I hold the world in my hands. I tried to get your attention before and you wouldn't listen....so I'm allowing this to see if you'll listen now." In many homes, if you ever needed God to show up, it's now and he's wanting to prove himself to you if you would just let him. I have to hang on because God calls us to persevere; I have to know that this is part of a bigger picture that I don't see because I have faith; I have to know that everything will be okay because I trust in him. We are not in control no matter how badly we want to believe we are and so we have to hold firm and secure and find wise and understanding counsel to weather these hard times. We need to hold onto the anchor and he will hold onto us. ~

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