Saturday, February 7, 2009

Loving Anger

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. ~ Psalms 1:1

Basically blessed are we who stand up for what is right! There is a part of me that thinks if we would stand up for our God given rights as Christians as much as the worldly stand up for theirs this world would be completely different. This has become one of my biggest pet peeves; that we can't, or I should say don't push our holy agenda nearly enough. Not that we should be mean spirited, but there is a part of me that knows Jesus and God has been and does get angry, make no mistake. For some reason we have this preconceived notion that God is just this huge grandfatherly type up in heaven forgiving us without any consequences and just loving us through everything. While I believe this to be true to some degree, I also know that even though he is slow to anger, he still gets there sometimes. Jesus was angry when he turned the tables on the tax collectors in the temple, God was angry when he flooded the earth, he was mad when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and don't you think he was a little perturbed in the parable of the shrewed manager when the man didn't increase his talents? I am angry at the continued mockery of the Christian faith in this increasingly sickened world and, hold onto your hats people, it's not all their fault. If they can push me, than why can't I push them? The fact of the matter is that anger is an emotion that God gave used in a healthy way it evidently can be affective. You say, "Well, that's just not the way of Christ." Maybe, but I think God would want us to hold up his light no matter who we offended if it meant the betterment of his kingdom, glory and purposes. I will stand up! Granted, not as much as I should or could, but if we continue to just sugar coat everything instead of standing up, than we're just as much at fault for the increasing decay of this world. A small step is just the beginning and yes, I'll do it in love, but not without the truth. The only way to diminish the darkness is to shine light into it and fight back with force if need be. It's the devil we're fighting against, not the people and I don't want to sit back because I'm afraid I'm going to offend. I'm going to hold up the torch as best I can, defend MY RIGHTS to my freedom of speech (yes, it's our freedom also contrary to popular belief) and hopefully find a way to do it in loving anger all at the same time. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...