Sunday, February 8, 2009

Will Surrender

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:6-7

Daily I have to remind myself of this simple, yet very complex command from the Lord; actually I have to remind myself more than once on any give day. I am a champion of worry; always one step in front of it and I think most Americans are; especially women (men too, but I just know more woman); it's almost like it's in our makeup, but we know that's not true for God didn't intend for us to be this way. Just look at all the anti-anxiety medications that are on the market to help us slow down the inner million miles an hour maxed out and stressed out marathon that coarses through our veins. Anxiety has become a normality in this society which I'd like to suggest is only another symptom of the declining moral fiber and proof that we are not in control even though we so deperately want to be. Let me explain: If we were truly a God fearing nation we would understand that we are not in control and shouldn't worry. Okay, we still are human, so we wouldn't have it completely figured out, but by pushing God further out of our social morals we have plagued ourselves with worry and anxiety at an alarming rate trying to find our own way around a sinful and oppressed world; which he never intended us to do, but probably knew we would. Seriously, think about it, if we're so in control then we are doing a horrible job of managing our lives when it's riddled with anxiety. Are you a good manager? We're called to give up our anxiety and our control by going to God in prayer and petitions for EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! The way I read that scripture is that if we want peace we need to let go and let God instead of trying to being worked up inside. I need to remember that God has a purpose, a reason and a season for everything and that I can come to him with my requests and just rest in knowing that he heard me and that he will answer me. However, just because he doesn't answer in my timing, or in the way I want, I need to remember that he is still in control of EVERYTHING and I need to give my worry and anxiety to him also. Than, and only than, can I expect his perfect peace when I give him EVERYTHING! Thank you Jesus! I will surrender. ~

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