Friday, February 6, 2009

Kind Mittens

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. ~ Ephesians 4:2

A computer chip that is chalked full of humility, gentleness, patience and unconditional love needs to be invented and then made mandatory for quick issue into the body after you are engaged to be married. This would prohibit the "dating" period (you know the period of time when you are totally in bliss for one another) from ending so abruptly once you are married as it would be activated on your wedding day. For most of us we would say that our husbands need that seems how they lose all romantic interest in us after we're married. I've heard it said, "My husband used to be like that when we were dating, but not anymore!" or "Why should I have to work for the milk now that I've got the cow at home." Which is horrible, but you get the jest. Well, I have to say that for me it's the opposite; my husband still tends to be romantic, but I've turned into the nagger. The chip will never happen and it really shouldn't seems how it's just, well, plain ridiculous for one, but would also interfere with our free will. All I know is that I, not my husband (and I'm not being sarcastic, but completely honest), needs to learn to be more gentle, humble and for sure more patient within our marriage. I have a tendency to bear with him in a melancholy tone, or in a "you need to" tone than in the love tone. If I'm honest with myself I bear with my husband in a tone that shouts, "YOU OWE ME (fill in the blank)," than anything else. Patience has never been a strong suit for me when it comes to the emotional state of the heart, or the waiting of things to happen. Sure, I can wait for monetary things like nobody's business because I don't like to shop and I can be a penny pincher, but when it comes to things that I want to happen, I tend to run empty on the patience-o-meter. A good marriage has all three characteristics in check: patience, humility and love; and maybe not all the time, but most of it. I could use a lesson in putting down the claws and dealing with my husband with those kinds of mittens. ~

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