Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everyday Hallelujah

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ~ Matthew 18:3

There are many faucets to this verse, but for me it's hitting my spiritual nerve yet again in an area I am learning to live in. Trust. If you've been reading any of my blog the last few months, you are probably seeing this reoccurring theme. My spiritual quest has been to remember all the things God has brought us through and to build on those remembrances deeper trust and faith in Him. Our God is AWESOME! As most of you know, my family and I moved back to the mountains at the beginning of December. When I look back at the last year and a half I can see how God has totally, without question, unequivocally led us back here and most of it was through trials. Without the trials that we have waded through and the constant cries out to Him for His will, I don't know that we would have completely trusted in Him and; therefore, we would have maybe felt the muffled pull of our hearts, but not the full force tug that was required to make us, especially me, say "Okay, it's time to move." I think, no, I know that God uses trials for His purposes and our good (even if we don't see it at the time) if we will just trust Him and hold on. Here's the kicker: this is not a one time learned lesson. I'm sure I'll have to remind myself to trust Him again through the next trial, but hopefully I'll be a little more refined...so maybe it'll be a little easier. Like I've said before, if I could just learn to come to my Heavenly Father as my boys come to their earthly father constantly, my soul would be forever comforted. But than again it's okay because His mercies are new everyday! Hallelujah! ~

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