Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Being

For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' ~ Acts 17:28

Do you know what you're living for? Do you know that you're royal children? There are many people out there searching for their purpose and reason for living and coming up short time and time again when they try to fill that purpose with something worldly, materialistic, or even, dare I say it, church based because they concentrate on the works they do for others, or their own ambition instead of looking to Christ. They forget about their relationship with Jesus and worry about their works for Jesus instead. There have been numerous times when I have gone before our Father and pleaded with Him to show me my purpose in life until I finally realized that I am here to be His daughter and to give him tremendous glory and unbridled respect; I am not here for myself and neither are you, but we are here to rest in our Father and spread His wonderful news that He has made a way for us to be free (and what a freedom it is)! FOR IN HIM I can rest and realize that everything happens for a reason and everything that doesn't happen that we thought should have, also has a reason and so we need to live in him and embrace the freedom that he gives us; the freedom to realize that He is our heavenly Father and he wants to triumphant over our worries, fears, anxieties, present, past and future if we would just let Him. Rest in Him. Just be. Be his daughter. Come to Him as our children come to us and let Him have the burden of taking care of us. Just be. Be worry free. For it is in Him and the rest that he provides that we have our being. ~

Monday, March 30, 2009

Housework Time

March 30, 2009. Cody is down at the restaurant slathering a second coat of paint called "Spring Fawn" on the walls (May 1st is opening day, fingers crossed). If only it looked like spring outside; it's a swirling, blowing, snowy mess out, but as you all know, I LOVE IT (the whole shaken snow globe cozy feeling thing). Samuel's spring break is over and now back to school, but he was more than ready and he only has a couple of more weeks before it's his birthday. It's hard to believe that he'll be seven on April 9th; I know everyone says it, but it's true "WHERE DID THE TIME GO!?" Isaac throw up at about 1:30 a.m. this morning all over his bed and floor; nothing like a sick child in the middle of the night. Trying to strip a bed, clean a child, dress a child and all the while keeping your closed eyes open so you don't step in the slimy stomach bile - YUCK! Here it is almost thirteen hours later and he hasn't lost it again...so I'm assuming he's okay now, but he's still taking it a little easy. I need to work on our taxes; I know, I should have that way done by now, but I got a late start on it this year. Actually, if the truth be known, this will be the first year in three that we haven't filed an extension...so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Over the weekend my husband figured out what's wrong with our Nintendo Gamecube; it kept shutting down because one of our controllers had a short in it that in turn shut the whole system down. Needless to say, the boys have been having a great time catching up on all their Lego's Star Wars and I've been enjoying some quality housework time (yeah, right!). Guess I should get back to that now....taxes nor laundry do themselves. ~

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Actively Loud

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. ~
1 Thessalonians 4:11 & 12

What? Lead a quiet life? Who does that these days? Surely not me! I've also got a load of friends and family who aren't quiet either (you know who you are and I love each one of you)! We're supposed to make it our ambition to lead a quiet life and for most Christians that's really hard to do. Sometimes I really have a hard time and I mean a REALLY HARD TIME biting my tongue; I need help with that area almost everyday of my life! You know what I mean. It's just hard to mind my own business sometimes; I want to be involved in everything somehow, please! My father in law is one of the best examples I can think of when it comes to minding his own business and working with his hands. He will be quiet for HOURS while his whole house is abuzz with kids, their spouses, grand kids and all kinds of issues being poured onto the floor. You don't even think he's listening and sometimes he even dozes off, but just when you least expect it, or when you ask him his advice, behold! There it is! A straight forward, thought provoking answer that was provided not because he shouted out his opinion when he should have kept his mouth shut (my tendency), but because he was ASKED for his advice and it's always been something profound. Simple, yet profound. Needless to say, I could learn a lot from him, and of course from this scripture. Sometimes we think we are doing the right thing by being peacemakers, problem solvers and great help mates when we spew our thoughts (sorry honey for those times) when really we need to ask ourselves Does this hurt, or hinder the kingdom of God? Does this person really need to know this? And even when the answer is not made clear to us, that's probably another time when we need to bite our tongue. Let's not only eat with our mouths closed, let us talk with our mouths closed too! Let's live actively instead of loudly! ~

Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Obey

But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children - with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. ~ Psalm 103:17 & 18

Have you ever been through a time in your life when you thought for sure that the Lord had forgotten you? That He must have not heard your prayers, petitions and pleas because if he did and he truly loved you than things would work out the way you have asked? I'm in the midst of that kind of questioning as I write this and while I know that He has a purpose, will and plan for my life, I just don't understand it, or see it for that matter. However, according to scripture his love is with me from everlasting to everlasting; which includes these times of doubt. I know in my heart of hearts there is a divine purpose and will for the slight devastation I feel, but that still does not always ease the pain...so I press forward. He holds me in his hands and I know He loves me...so I'm going to assume and even be as so bold as to expect bigger and better plans for me than I could ever have imagined. For it's also scriptural that He makes "beauty out of ashes" and even though I feel like I've been smashed and let down, I know that I am not in control and that I have to trust in Him to lift me up. Sometimes I wish I could see some of the "unseen" that God sees so that maybe I would have a better understanding of his workings. Maybe He is protecting me from something, someone, or maybe this is just my human desire right now that He knows is not the best for me. Whatever the reason; I will be okay and I will get through this slump with His everlasting love surrounding me and I will continue to obey. ~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's Pleased

So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. ~ 1 Corinthians 5:9

Do you ever wonder how pleasing you are to God? Do you think you have to be doing something extraordinary to please God? I remember very distinctly one day a couple of years ago loading the dishwasher for the second time that day while Oprah was on the television in the background, there were clean clothes dumped all over the love seat that needed folded and the kids were screaming for their afternoon snack. Oprah was talking about her work in Africa and I thought What am I doing with my life? Look at all the wonderful things she does for people. I wish I could do that. Lord, what grand plan do you have for my life and am I following it? To my surprise, I heard this: You are doing what I want you to do at this point in your life. You need to raise your family and this is where you belong. Don't worry, you are doing my grand plan for you. I was floored. I know that God has spoken to me throughout my life through prayer, confirmation from people, and that still small voice people call our conscious (but I call it the Holy Spirit), but this is only the second time that God had spoken to me so clearly that if someone would have been standing next to me I would have asked them, "Did you hear that?" I came to realize that day that raising our kids is a HUGE part of God's plan; they need our guidance and God designed family to be close knit and our number one priority. After all, God loaned us our kids here on earth to cultivate them and build them up to become sons and daughters of his kingdom and to bring him glory...what a huge job! It's a great responsibility...so no longer feel like you are not doing God's work, for you are building people up for Him and he is pleased. ~

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keep Adding

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. ~ 2 Peter 1:5-8

WOW! Does this sound a little overwhelming? Let's see...I do pretty good until I get to the self-control part; wish I had more of that when it comes to the third helping of dinner. Brotherly kindness; well I think everyone could improve in that area if we were honest with ourselves; I know I have said no to a few opportunities to show brotherly kindness out of pure laziness. I don't want to make an extra meal for a sick friend. I just did one last week! or I don't have the extra money to donate to the church's Easter Reach out program (well, maybe if I didn't do McDonald's this week, but oh well). While I don't have them all figured out 100% of the time (nobody does, we're not perfect), I try to keep these virtues added into my daily life. After all, these are virtues that Peter reminds us are important to be fruitful and victorious in our spiritual life. I need to make sure that I am active in trying to keep these virtues in the forefront of my mind and my heart. We need to keep adding to our spiritual lives these ingredients that will then cultivate in us the love that God wants us to have for others. Remember in Algebra all the formulas and learning them step by step for the total outcome? The result was always the desired outcome and we felt so good for accomplishing the task at hand. I feel like this is a lot the same; another equation to life that I am figuring out step by step and knowing that the end result will be desired and I will be better for the accomplishment....so keep adding! ~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Signs & Symbols

Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. ~ Isaiah 8:18 Do you still believe in miracles, or do you think they were just stories in the Bible? Just look at your own family and you'll see miracles in your children's eyes and maybe even in your spouses arms. There are days when I am overwhelmed just by the human body and how something so delicate and complex was ever created. Maybe I'm feeling a little sentimental as just today we went to the hospital to see Codys' niece and her brand new baby who wasn't even 24 hours old yet. Our children are one of the biggest, if not the largest, miracle of all and they should be a huge sign to us of our Lord God Almighty. Think about this for a minute; women all over the world are housing little babies (not embryos!) that are themselves housing tiny hearts, vessels, and organs. Pregnant women have a heart beating, blood flowing and other cells forming inside a small, innocent body while their own bodies sustain that precious life along with it's own. Does that boggle anyone else like it does me? If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. Make no mistake my friend, YOU ARE A MIRACLE! And may I dare to say that you are especially a miracle in this day in age if you were born our of "inconvenience" for the mother. Kudos to her and you! Be proud to be you! Shout it out, I AM A SIGN AND SYMBOL OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! ~

Friday, March 20, 2009

Of Them

The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against the Anointed One. ~ Psalm 2:2

Does this sound like America? I pray that I never stand up and take my stand against the Lord Almighty, or Jesus Christ as I surely don't want that kind of judgement on my head. With a world full of narcissistic people, sexual sin, sin against ourselves and others without a second thought, selfishness and blatant disregard for what is right and wrong I think our culture has taken a pretty strong stand. Sometimes it seems downright impossible and completely overwhelming. How are we supposed to ever help turn things around? If I allow myself to think of everything that grieves my God in this world I am downright depressed and heartbroken that his children would act as such. We need to start taking a stand! We need to stand up for what is right and wrong! We need to start in our communities, our schools, and I dare say it, even our churches! If the our society can stand up for every kind of perversion and self indulgence that there is, than why can't we, the children of God, stand up for Him! If they can have their freedom of speech, than why can't we have ours? Who do we have to fear? God himself has said that if he is for us than who can be against us? I don't want to be mean spirited, we need to do it in love, but why are we acting ashamed and embarrased about who our Father is? Let's stand up and fight for what is right! We can no longer wait for someone else to do it; for if we don't do it than whose side are we on anyway? Love them, but don't be one of them. ~

Monday, March 16, 2009

Trust Me

Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. ~ I Corinthians 1:9

How many trials and tribulations have you gone through that you were sure you were not going to make it through? Everyone goes through at least valley in their life were they think: How am I going to get through this? I don't think I can make it. I don't think I can hold on. I know for me there has been a few times when I have thought: I know God that you said you wouldn't give me more than I can handle, but you are really working my last nerve here! Perseverance has always been an attribute that intrigues me and that I aspire to thrive in (maybe one day, ha ha) because I know in my heart it's a characteristic that God wants to cultivate in his people. No matter what I have been through, or how many times I have been through the same trials, God never ceases to bless me for my perseverance. We need to trust God that he is doing a good thing in us and for us even when we don't see it; he's always working behind the scenes. Sometimes he's refining us to remind us that we need to rely on him, on a God who can do whatever he wants whenever he wants as such the case with raising the dead (Lazarus had been dead for four days and was buried before Jesus raised him up). God brings us to and through trials for reasons that we may never understand, but I do know that if I persevere and remind myself that he still has my best interests at heart (easier said than done), than I will either be delivered from, or brought through each trial and I will be the better for it. Refined yet again. God is saying: Trust me. Even when you don't understand, or can't comprehend, trust me! ~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Let God

In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. ~ Isaiah 30:15

How many times have you heard, "I'm a good person and I believe in God...so I'm pretty sure I would go to heaven, right?" Oh how that particular question breaks my heart; they have not only missed that they need Jesus for their salvation, but it doesn't matter if your necessarily a good person (although you should want to be), we are all sinners and we need to repent. I wonder how often God thinks to himself If you foolish people would just repent instead of living in your pride how much easier our relationship would be. People, even the devil and his demons believe in God, they've seen him, but believe me, they are not in heaven! It's not just a matter of believing in him and being good; it's a complete and total issue of the heart in regards of repentance and accepting Jesus for who he was, is and what he did for you. If we don't accept this truth, than we will be standing all alone at the end of this world wondering how we got there and if we can turn back, only than it will be to late. I am here to tell you that God loves you deeply and he does not want anyone to be left standing alone...get things right now. When I trust and believe in all the promises my Lord has given me through, and only through his salvation, than I am strengthened beyond imagination. I can sore on eagles wings in peace and trust; it's a great feeling to be "out of control" if you will only believe, and let God. ~

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Heart

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. ~ 1 Peter 1:22

Purified by obedience to the truth; what a concept for this world ~ sincere love; another fantastic concept for this world ~ love from the heart and not for what you can do for me; another forgotten concept by much of this temporary world. If I live in obedience to God's word (which rest assured is the truth even now) than part of that obedience is learning to have sincere love for each other. Sincere. Love is a choice people; it's also a feeling, but it's more of a choice and to have sincere love is also a choice. A choice to put your heart out on the line and risk it getting trampled on, a risk of loving someone who won't necessarily love you back, a choice of loving someone even when you don't see things eye to eye. My husband illustrated this choice perfectly, at least to me, when a good friend of his who is going through a separation with his wife asked him for some advice. He said, "I could write down everything that I loath about Janine and in 10 minutes highly dislike her and think she is the worst mother and wife ever. On the other hand, I could write down everything I love about her and fall in love all over again and absolutely adore her as a wife and mother. It's all in the way I chose to see her. Love may be a feeling, but it's also largely by choice." Sincere. It's something learned. Let's choose to love each other, not only our spouses, but our brothers and sisters in Christ without expecting them to always meet us where we are, but to just love them for WHO they are and WHERE THEY may be. This is part of being purified by obeying the truth: loving from the heart. ~

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Upside Down

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. ~ Ephesians 5:33

For the last couple of weeks I have had numerous conversations with several different friends on how in much of this society we have conditionalized (if that's a word) love. Often times people will do something for someone in an attempt to hold that in their minds as something they are owed back. For example, I may watch your children for a few hours and than store that in my brain so that when I need you to do something for me I can recall to YOUR memory how I helped you out with my children and then almost guilt you into doing something for me (God forgive me if I've ever done this). Shame on us! As if that's not bad enough, what's more intoxicatingly sick is that husbands and wives have used this same technique to get what they want from each other. I have heard something like this, "Well, I watched the kids for a few hours while you went to lunch with some friends...why can't you mow the lawn for me?" What happened to doing something for someone out of genuine love and kindness instead of expecting something back? LOVE IS NOT MEANT TO BE CONDITIONAL! I know that seems like a petty example, but let me tell you that all the devil needs is a foothold, a crack in the door and if we don't see it for what it is, he will have that door swung wide open and reeking havoc. Husbands, you are to love us as you love yourself; it's a tall order I know, but the next time you talk to your wife, ask yourself if you would want to be talked to in that same manner. Wives, I know you don't like it, but every family needs a leader and God as assigned that responsibility to your husband. I DON'T LIKE IT! Please hear me, I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER SOMETIMES! However, I need to give respect were respect is to be given, especially when it's been given by God. My father once told me, "You have to do what your husband thinks is best for your family. It's been established by God to work that way. And if Cody is wrong in what he wants your family to do, God will deal with him. But you have done your job by respecting your husband's leadership and so your hands are clean. What's better than that?" I don't think he even remembers telling me that, but I will never forget that because it has helped me give up the control when I think I deserve it. There is freedom in submitting and respecting your husband. No, I don't believe that you should withhold your opinion; believe me, I give mine whether my husband wants it or not, but the decision is ultimately his. And if you are in a position of abuse from a warped husband who thinks that is what "submitting" means than you are in a terrible relationship and I am the first to tell you GET OUT! However, Cody and I have argued many times over what we should and shouldn't do when it comes to big family decisions and I have to say that God, nor my husband has ever steered us off into the ditch with permanent damage. Now........the last piece of the puzzle is that you must respect your husband in front of your children. Let me just tell you that you are tearing down YOURself down if you think shreading your children's father in front of them is okay. Those children will one day remember that and hold you responsible for the feelings they have, good, or bad against the other parent. It will bite you in the butt....make no mistake...it will eventually...so stop! Let's love and respect our spouses unconditionally and turn this world upside down! ~

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

With Meaning

Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? ~ Psalm 2:1

I'm sure that you can tell by now that a portion of what I am studying right now in my quiet time is the Psalms. Both the Psalms and Proverbs are chalked full of wisdom, life emotions, and often times questions that make my mind wheel. This verse struck me today in a way that I've never seen before, I've read it several times before, but today I read it in a new way. Before this morning I always read this verse as why is there war between nations? Why do we (and I mean nations and government in general) feel the need to exercise our powerful military to make others conform to our ways? However, today it came across as this: why, as America (and undoubtedly other nations as well), plot and conspire against the Lord God Almighty? What do we possibly have to gain by being so rebellious? Absolutely nothing! Didn't you notice the last word of the verse? It's all in VAIN! When Jesus comes back we will realize that all our immorality and conspiring to turn this world into a place of selfishness and self ambition and the notion of "looking out for myself", or "do what makes YOU feel good and happy" were but huge and gross ideas. That the war here on earth was not necessarily against people, but it always has been and always will be against spiritual powers and principalities that are unseen. We have sadly turned from the one and only and we will have done so in vain and in the process hurt not only ourselves, but a ton of innocent people. Let's remember who we are here for and why and quit taking part of the conspiracy. For the Lord himself has said that if we don't praise him, the rocks will even cry out. Don't live a life like that of a hamster spinning his wheel in vain and getting nowhere; live with meaning. ~

Monday, March 2, 2009

Life's Ditch

The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. ~ Romans 8:6-7

I once read, "We surrender our peace of mind over relative minor things," and I don't know about you, but that is me completely. A daily challenge of mine is that I can wake up in the morning at utter peace with EVERYTHING and by 10:00 a.m. I often will have let the troubles of life beat me down, take the wheel of my life and drive it into a water filled drench that then I have to swim out of and drag my beaten self back up onto the highway of life. This cycle frustrates me to no end; now don't get me wrong, it doesn't actually happen everyday, but when it does happen I feel like it takes me days to get out of the ditch. Why? Well, partly because I'm a worrier by nature, human and often forget that I'm not the one in control. According to scripture I should be at peace; I should not feel the hostility and chaos that sinful man feels. Does that mean I am sinful? WELL, OF COURSE I AM! I AM NOT PERFECT AND I DON'T HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER...NOT EVEN CLOSE AND IF YOU'RE READING THIS, LET ME ASSURE YOU YOUR STILL A SINNER TOO. However, because I am a child of God and have been redeemed by his love, mercy and grace, I need to rest in the peace that God gives me and when I'm feeling like I'm losing my mind over seemingly little things, even the big things, I need to bring back to remembrance the things of God and how he has been so faithful and in control all the time. I need to ask for the peace that passes all understanding and then sit back and watch as God once again protects me from the swallowing ditch of life. ~

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How Wonderful

My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right. ~ Proverbs 23:15-16

My children are the joy of my life, but I am especially overwhelmed with joy when I hear things like, "I told my friend, Chris, today about Jesus because I think he was raised on curse words." AAHH! You get it! One of my most prayed prayers is: Lord, please cultivate a heart in my children after your own. Help them to love you and your ways and want to please you more than themselves or anyone else in the world. Sometimes I wonder if all the praying, the kids devotionals we do and all the church and Sunday school in the world will ever be enough to conform and then guard my children's minds and hearts from this world. Then they say something so profound, or I hear them talking to a friend, or asking someone if they want to come to church with us on Sunday and I rejoice in my heart. We often do a "thank you" game at the dinner table where we go around the table and write down on a small piece of paper what we are thankful for and then we put it into the thankful pot on the dining table. One night while we were going around the table, one son said he was thankful for GOD LOVING OUR FAMILY and the other one said he was thankful for MY HEAVENLY FATHER. Tears flood my eyes when I hear these kinds of words and wisdom come from a 6 year old and a 4 year old. Just think how much more it pleases God. Praise him, for he truly is a good God and one who answers our prayers....especially those regarding our children and those from our children. How wonderful! ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...