Monday, July 8, 2024

Also Chosen

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, ~ Ephesians 1:11

People really don’t talk much about inheritances these days as I dare say we are all pretty focused on what we can obtain for ourselves and don’t think about leaving an inheritance for those left behind.  Acquiring money, or material things are usually linked to inheritance, but did you know that our inheritance, as believers, has nothing to do with worldly gain?  Man has made inheritance about money; which, don't get me wrong, is something that we do all need, but our inheritance as followers of Jesus is the fact that we are now called “children” of God and we get to live eternally in his righteousness and glory.  A perfect plan was set into place when Christ adopted you as a child of God and then was able to accept you through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus.  We are part of God’s will.  The fact is God wants you and me with him; He WANTS us.  From the beginning, Christ’s plan was for the Jews to put their hope in him and for generations and nations of people to follow all the way to the Gentiles and Ephesian people to us and more.  So having accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I must also believe that everything in my life will work out for the good of not only my will, but His ultimate will and plan.  It may not always be a life of roses, but everything, even the devastating tragedy, will work out for good.  That even when it looks like there is no hope; when I am shattered; when I can’t get out of bed, God will work it all out for good.  That’s hard to understand, but we must know that we are precious.  We have been bought with a tremendous and unfair price.  God wants us with him.  We are his inheritance and he will make everything good for those who believe in him. ~ Amen

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