Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fools Vent

Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end. ~ Proverbs 29:11

The book of Proverbs is chalked full of verses referring to the “fool” and the “wise”.  Many people are “hot tempered” and let their emotions get the best of them.  I know people, and I bet you do too, that have lost jobs, got themselves in trouble with the law and have even destroyed relationships because they can’t keep their emotions in check; which leads to a spiteful tongue.  A harsh word may have been spoken against you, or someone may have openly hurt you with no sense of reason; whatever the case maybe, we need the Holy Spirit to help us calm down before we react.  I admit, I have reacted poorly to being hurt and I have let my anger bubble out only to feel regret and wish I could hit the rewind button.  Our tongue can speak life, or bring death into situations and so before we go spewing our feelings, we best bring them to God first for Him to help us sort them out.  Being intentional about going to God so that he can speak to our hearts and calm our spirits does something not only to ourselves, but it can bring thoughtfulness to the other party as well.  People don’t know what to do with someone who doesn’t fight back, or get defensive.  It often softens their hearts and lowers their walls and leaves them exposed to reconciliation.  Better to keep our mouths shut than to end up looking like a fool.  How many times have you heard people talk just to talk?  Or how about those ‘one upper” storytellers who just like to hear themselves talk.  See, a fool venting his anger is not the only fool.  A fool can babble on about themselves, or any thought just because a foolish person likes to talk arrogantly while a wise person knows there is a time to speak and a time to be silent.  Which one are you?  Let our words be gracious and used only for edifying and let’s bring calmness so as not to look like a fool. ~ Amen

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