Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fruitless Deeds

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:11

Here Paul clearly tells believers to have nothing to do with sin.  We are also charged with exposing sin, but we must be careful in how we bring the dark into the light as we can not and should not come across as being judgemental.  By living a righteous life first, only then may we be able to humbly talk to another believer about their sinful deeds.  Do not try to expose something you are also taking part in.  Christians are often accused of being hypocritical; don’t add fuel to the fire.  We were rescued from the darkness when we decided to follow Jesus Christ and now we walk with the light of the children of God and should no longer play with the devil’s advancements.  Illuminate a dark room with a flashlight and you can see where everything is so you can walk freely about.  The same is true of the light and darkness; expose the sin so that the deeds can be openly acknowledged, denounced and turned from so as not to stumble over it again and again.  Christians must not be ashamed of their holy living and they must be humble so that they can be great light bearers to this broken world.  We live in a warped world where things that once were wrong are now considered right and vice versa; we need our light to shine more now than ever.  I work at a high school and I see the enemy attacking teens daily about their identity.  Know who you are!  I am heartbroken, but I pray for them and if asked my opinion, I try to gently respond with God’s truth and in love.  We need to stay anchored in God’s truth so that we can tear down the many lies of the devil!  A spiritual battle isn’t coming – it’s here!  And if you do not stay anchored in God’s word and fully committed to following His ways, you may be in trouble my friend.  Pray that God would help you avoid temptation and sin as it is a waste of time and ask God to help you humbly expose the lies while you live a holy life. ~ Amen   

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