Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Not Hidden

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. ~ Psalm 139:15

God carefully, lovingly, and delicately created you to be completely unique.  In fact, God put together your tiny body in your mother’s womb with specific qualities, characteristics and features in mind.  Muscles, tissues, cells and organs were all placed where God designed them to be in the human body.  There has never been, and there never will be, another you. We have breath and life on this earth because God desired it to be so.  The term “woven” reminds me so much of watching my grandmother do needle point, or knitting.  To watch her skillful, yet delicate hands maneuver the needle(s) to her next desired positioning was poetic and beautiful.  Crafting and creating a masterpiece.  You are God’s masterpiece.  One of many that bring him joy and the joy you bring him is special and unique.  You are irreplaceable, special, and very valuable to God.  To the Creator of the universe.  He knows how many hairs are on your head and he desperately desires a relationship with you.  You are one of a kind.  God has been singing and dancing over you before you took your first breath.  Consider yourself a miracle.  A true blessing (even when you don’t feel like it).  You were handcrafted by the Master.  By the way, you were handcrafted in the image of God.  To that end, murder is an attack on the very image of God.  God is the Creator of life and; therefore, should be the only one allowed to end life.  In the last month of my first pregnancy it dawned on me, “This is absolutely amazing.  The only time I can think of that I am knowingly participating in the completion of one of God’s miracles growing inside of me.  I am helping God perform a miracle.  How miraculous!” And I gotta do it twice.  Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3).  God knows each one of them intimately and they are special to Him.  So are YOU. ~ Amen

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