Wednesday, July 3, 2024

His Hands

In his hands is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. ~ Job 12:10

I don’t know how many times I have heard, “I was a surprise.  Bonus baby.  An accident.”  No one is an accident and you may have been a surprise to your parents, but God had you planned all along.  He is the reason you are still breathing and able to read this now.  We live, breathe and have movement because our Creator lets it be so.  Just as he has told the sea where to stop and the sun where to set, he has allowed air into our lungs and breathed life into everything that lives.  Just as he has given life to all living creatures, he also is responsible for your life.  At God’s command the birds of the air and the creatures of the land have their being.  He is the reason the ant moves, the tree grows, the flower blooms and the baby cries – just to name a few.  Jungles and seas are teaming with creatures we have yet to discover, but God has given them all life.  Life is totally and sovereignty in God’s hands.  So many breaths in and out of our lungs without a thought, automatically part of our every day and yet a huge gift taken for granted.  Just as God is the giver of all life, he should be the only one who has the authority to take life.  He has the whole world in his hands and that’s how it was always intended to be.  Life as we know it was designed by our Sovereign God.  Our Lord loves us so much that he created all things for us to enjoy.  Look at all the people God has placed in your life and thank Him for the beauty they individually bring.  God breathed life into Adam which started a beautiful chain reaction; we are breathing God’s breath. Thank you God for life. ~ Amen

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