Saturday, July 6, 2024

God's Wisdom

No, we declare God’s wisdom a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:7

I yearn to know God’s ways and to know him more intimately.  Paul says that as Christians, we have access to a spiritual wisdom that is not known to the men of this world.  Redemption of mankind through Jesus Christ was God’s plan before time began.  God’s wisdom is supernatural, it is superior to any worldly wisdom and can only be whispered into our hearts once we have made the commitment to follow Christ.  People are often led to believe that maturity and wisdom come with age, but Paul would argue that maturity rests in your relationship with God as only believers will have Godly wisdom, which far outweighs worldly wisdom.  Proclaiming to be a follower of Jesus means that your wisdom should have some truth to it – some biblical foundation – and therefore, you should not be idly following the world's ways.  As a side note, have you ever noticed that most of God’s ways on how to deal with life are contradictory, or upside down compared to how the world looks at things?  God’s wisdom is hidden and a mystery to those who have decided to reject Jesus Christ as God’s son.  God is a gentleman and will not force his way into our lives, but will wait for the invitation, but without the invitation to come into relationship with Christ, then the unbeliever only has their own wisdom and the world’s wisdom to live by.  Even so, my truth, the believers truth, was “God in a bod” in the form of the man known as Jesus Christ.  God sending his perfect son to die a brutal death for my redemption was an inexpressible sweet gesture and gift that seems ridiculous to the unbeliever, but it is my truth.  It may be your truth.  If it isn’t, I invite you to ask God into your heart so that you can experience true wisdom and freedom. ~ Amen

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