Thursday, July 4, 2024

Save Yourself

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. ~ Matthew 16:25

To lose my life for Jesus?  What does that mean?  The idea is to step forward, take a stand and make your allegiance to Jesus and his ways over the worlds and your flesh.  Sometimes it will be painful, full of ridicule, humiliating and hurtful, but it will be worth so much more in the end.  Jesus promises us that if we stand with him now, he will stand with us later and usher us into our heavenly home with open arms.  Instead of giving in to my flesh, I need to look at all circumstances, situations and people through “Jesus colored” lens and make sure I am handling life His way.  There is no need for me to actually die by crucifixion, but I will have to sacrifice my selfish ways of living just like Jesus was my sacrifice on his very real, cruel and brutal cross.  Not making this allegiance and proclamation means that you will lose your life permanently in your death as you will be forever separated from Christ.  He will welcome home his children, but that won’t be everyone.  Will it be you?  In the end, who you choose to follow and submit your life to will be the only question that will matter.  Doing things my way hasn’t always panned out the best anyway; so why not submit it all to Jesus?  In this life I am going to be ridiculed for something; why not let it be for my tight belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and I am giving him my life?  If I am wrong, I don’t lose a thing, but if I am right (which I know I am), I will win everything.  I think I will take those odds and die to self and let Christ take over.  It’s not that big of a sacrifice when I remember what he did for me. ~ Amen

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