Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Vindicate Me

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.  You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.  The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands. ~

I hold this verse dear as I imagine my Lord in battle just for me.  A great picture of God protecting me from a violent spiritual war on the other side of his hand.  There have been hurtful words spoken about me and my family by unbelieving family members and even though it is so painful, I believe this is a perfect picture of God protecting us and one day they will come to know the truth.  Discouraged?  Yes, but I know God will not abandon me to my enemies, but he will continue to work in my life for his glory and upholds us.  To his glory, strength will come upon us as he stops and restrains our enemies.  Not that he brings death, necessarily, to our enemies; after all, he does want all people to be able to choose Him eventually, but he stops their wage against us.  He stops Satan’s work through them.   For us believers, we need to remember that God is sovereign and nothing he does regarding our lives is wasted.  He loves us unconditionally and forever and allows good and bad to finish the work in us he started that truly is in our best interest whether we know it, or not.  If you're just checking this Christianity thing out, my question to you is why wouldn’t you want God’s protection?  It’s only one of the many benefits you get as a believer.  Yes, I promise you will still have trials and enemies, but you will bring a bigger army to the battle and you won’t have to fight alone.  That should bring tremendous hope.  Believe me, God will give you strength, hope and love you have yet to experience. ~ Amen

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