Sunday, July 21, 2024

Beginning Knowledge

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. ~ Proverbs 1:7

We all know people who seem to think the rules of society don’t apply to them.  They ask for advice and turn around to do the exact opposite.  Sometimes these people look like they are trying to self-sabotage; choosing everything and anything that is not good for them even though they know better.  Their lives tend to be a path filled with bad decisions, broken relationships and constant chaos.  They can’t see today from yesterday and tomorrow doesn’t look much better.  It seems like no matter how many people try to help them, they just run their lives deeper into the ground.  And we, as their loved ones, are at a total loss.  We must be wary not to turn into such foolish people.  Humble worship and a reverential fear of the Lord develops a teachable spirit for us to learn His knowledge on how to build our lives.  Jesus is the beginning of all knowledge.  Most of us would say we are knowledgeable in life, but are you knowledgeable because of your awe and worship in God and so know his ways, or are you knowledgeable most in how the world would tell you to live?  How the world tells us to live is in direct contrast to what God would say; just read the Beatitudes from Jesus’ sermon on the Mount in Matthew and you will see that God’s ways are upside down compared to the world and our own flesh.  In Proverbs, Solomon talks greatly about wisdom and foolishness, and the message is clear - foolish people do not consider the truths of Christ and they pay dearly for it.  Wisdom is knowing the knowledge and then putting that knowledge into action.  Wisdom and instruction is to know, teach and do what Jesus, the beginning of knowledge, has taught us.  However, fools hate this.  They despise being told what to do; they think they know it all and don’t need to learn anything else and they don’t need your advice.  They think they have it all together.  They run away from teaching, learning, or correction.  They think they have a better way and so disregard God and live according to their desires.  They want everything to be about them and will try to conform all paths to satisfy their needs and desires.  They flap their jaws incessantly and talk of nothing.  I hate to say it, but I think this can happen to the best of us as I don’t see Solomon making any distinction between the “wise” being only the followers of Christ and the “fools” being only the non-believers.  Just two choices - wisdom, or foolishness.  We have all been given the opportunity to choose a path in life; the decision is left up to us.  Make a wise choice.  Seek out His knowledge. ~ Amen

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