Sunday, July 14, 2024

Days Ordained

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. ~ Psalm 139:16

Plans come and plans go.  Plans get messed up and plans get rerouted.  Plans get interrupted.  Then there is God’s plan.  He has a plan for everyone, including you.  These plans were written for you before you even breathed one breath; hidden in your mother’s womb.  There are no promises that all plans will make us happy and there is no guarantee that some of God’s plans, or days for you won’t be filled with pain.  Some pain and suffering has been mapped out for you my friend.  But God has also ordained glorious days as well.  There will be questions of why one friend’s life was cut short, while seemingly godless people live a long and sometimes prosperous life.  Put your trust in God.  He, and only He, has ordained the days you will live.  Just know that your life has a purpose and a plan that he promises in Romans 8:28, “works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Don’t get discouraged when your days, or plans don’t go the way you expected.  Look at them as divine interruptions; even if they are filled with pain.  This scripture is clear; God knows everything about our lives.  The days you live have been counted out.  Not that you should act foolish and carelessly to test God, but to give you reassurance that your job on this earth is not finished until he says so. No one can argue the fact that they can’t predict what will happen tomorrow.  We can and should have plans, but the ultimate decision rests in Christ’s omniscience hands.  And so we should live everyday trusting God and abiding in his will for our lives as best as we can to glorify him. ~ Amen

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