Thursday, February 5, 2009

All Loved

"My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in." ~ Proverbs 3:11-12

Discipline is one of those subjects we generally talk about with other parents when we are having a hard time with our kids. Over the years I've heard, "I just don't like to discipline him. It's so hard to do," or "Sometimes I feel like that's all I do. I feel like I ride him all day." The topic is almost always talked about in parenting circles and discussed how we do it, how often we should do it, or even if we should do it at all. We even talk about the times we've been disciplined as children and laugh at them now years later, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about how they have been disciplined by our Heavenly Father. Is it taboo? Let me just tell you that I have been disciplined by God and you probably have been too. We don't talk about it because maybe we don't see it, or maybe we're like the kids and try to justify, or deny the discipline...or maybe it's because we're embarrassed. Sometimes I'll get angry at God if things aren't going my way as if I'm a three year old throwing a tantrum. I'm suggesting that maybe some of the trials, thoughts and feelings we have are because we are getting disciplined by God. And maybe, just maybe if we would ask him to show us our error, we would be able to get over ourselves and repent. I know that God has screamed at me. I know he has, he does it in love, but I know he has because I felt it in my soul and I'm not embarassed to say that I threw a tantrum right back at him. However, I have also felt his grace, mercy and loving arms holding me after our little parent/tantrum child episode and according to scripture, this is a sure sign of God's love for me. So I should be thankful I'm loved enough to be disciplined, even if I don't like it and we need to show the same love to our children. We're all loved. ~

1 comment:

Prairie Mama said...

I am so thankful as a mom that God shows me how to parent. He is the perfect parent and I long daily to follow His example. He does discipline us and also allows us to learn from the natural consequences of our decisions all the while loving us more than we deserve. I try to follow that model in parenting.

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...