Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Signs & Symbols

Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. ~ Isaiah 8:18 Do you still believe in miracles, or do you think they were just stories in the Bible? Just look at your own family and you'll see miracles in your children's eyes and maybe even in your spouses arms. There are days when I am overwhelmed just by the human body and how something so delicate and complex was ever created. Maybe I'm feeling a little sentimental as just today we went to the hospital to see Codys' niece and her brand new baby who wasn't even 24 hours old yet. Our children are one of the biggest, if not the largest, miracle of all and they should be a huge sign to us of our Lord God Almighty. Think about this for a minute; women all over the world are housing little babies (not embryos!) that are themselves housing tiny hearts, vessels, and organs. Pregnant women have a heart beating, blood flowing and other cells forming inside a small, innocent body while their own bodies sustain that precious life along with it's own. Does that boggle anyone else like it does me? If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is. Make no mistake my friend, YOU ARE A MIRACLE! And may I dare to say that you are especially a miracle in this day in age if you were born our of "inconvenience" for the mother. Kudos to her and you! Be proud to be you! Shout it out, I AM A SIGN AND SYMBOL OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! ~

1 comment:

?????? said...

Miracles happen everyday. I have never believed that they just happend in biblical times. People get cured from life threating illness. The discovery of your own happiness and peace. The marvels of nature around us. There are so many different types miracles to witness and I am grateful to have that opportunity.

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...