Thursday, June 9, 2022

Crowd Compassion

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.  So he began teaching them many things. ~ Mark 6:34

Jesus often referred to us like sheep; an animal that needs watched over on a continual basis.  While I would rather be compared to a more loyal, smart, loving animal, I understand why Jesus referred to us as dumb, slow sheep.  We are just as slow to learn sometimes as they are.  Jesus was moved to compassion when he saw this large crowd and begin teaching them.  It intrigues me that the word "compassion" is used in this verse also.  Compassion is to pity someone, to feel bad, or have concern for the sufferings of others.  I am pretty sure if I was Jesus at this time, a time when I am trying to get away from all people and their constant needs, trying to get away for rest, I would have been mad when I saw the crowd waiting for me.  I'm pretty sure I would have yelled, "Please leave me alone for 24 hours you needy people!"  However, that's not at all how Jesus treated them.  In fact, He could tell that they yearned to lean more and their ears were ready to hear.  I often wonder what he taught them on the banks this time.  This scripture is a teaching moment for me in the fact that I need to be more kind and compassionate with people who God may put in my path no matter how dog tired, or annoyed I am at the end of a long, lingering day.  I need to have compassion on those who may need more from me than I think I can give and lean on Him to fill me up.  Lord, help me have compassion for others when I am tired and weary.  Fill me up to do what you have called me to do.  ~ Amen

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