Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Washed Feet - Part 2

"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and rightly so, for that is what I am.  Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. ~ John 13:13-14

Before one can become a truly great leader, they must have conquered the act of servanthood and humility.  Jesus knew that a good teacher not only tells his students how to act, but lovingly shows the example in humble and actively gracious ways to his students.  I can't imagine what the disciples thought, "Jesus!  No!  Why are you washing my disgusting feet?!  Get up!  This is not something you should be doing.  You are God!  We should be washing your feet!  My feet are to filthy for you to touch!"  But Jesus knew He had to show what a great teacher looks like; what it looks like to serve and love regardless of status.  We have to be willing to put others first if we are to be true followers of Jesus; to love everyone He died for no matter their social, economic, or racial status because what Jesus taught is that we are all equal in His eyes.  The mere act of Jesus washing their feet shows what godly character and leadership should look like.  In this same way, we are to be humble and servant like to everyone we meet.  We don't have the right to pick and choose.  Outside views would suggest servanthood to be dictated by a master, or owner, but Jesus flipped this upside down.  It raises the question that if my master and Lord does the serving of others, how much more than should I do for others without common complaint?  If He does it, I surely must.  The example Christ lays out before us is that we are not asked, but that it is mandatory to put aside our selfish ways and serve others if we want to be blessed followers of Him.  There is no such "that's not my job" line; Christ says every need is ours to help meet, help serve and every job you may consider slightly beneath your elevated ego has been divinely set before you.  Lord, as much as it is up to me, help me to meet people where they are and to serve them for your glory. ~ Amen 

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