Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Not Far

But you, Lord, do not be far from me.  You are my strength; come quickly to help me. ~ Psalm 22:19

Have you ever screamed out loud to God to help you?  I often wonder who non-believers cry out to when they are in desperate need of peace, hope and answers.  I am thankful that I know I can call on my God and he will answer my moaning.  Sometimes there has not been a person I felt like I could cry and moan out to that could take my cries and understand my massive hurt like God can.  After all, He knows the deepest secrets of my heart and sometimes our pain in indescribable, but He sees all, knows all and can comfort like no one else can.  Sometimes only God will do.  I have personally experienced strength that only God can give; strength to pull me through the throws of so much pain I could barely breathe through my burning tears.  I have wrestled with God under the covers of my bed crammed to the bottom of my bed so my boys would not be woke up by their mom's wailing and leg thrashing sounds until God quieted my spirit into a deep peaceful sleep.  I have felt like God was a million miles away when the whole time it was later evident that He had me firmly in His gentle hand.  However, there are those times when God seems to be taking his sweet time and does not come quickly, but crawls to our aide.  To those times I say be patient and wait on the Lord.  His time is not the same as our time, but His time is always right on time. ~ Amen

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