Friday, June 10, 2022

God's Foolishness

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:25

God chose to save the world by sending His only son down to earth only to allow Him to be beaten, mocked and horrifically crucified as if he was a ruthless criminal.  A criminal's death.  In no way does this make any sense to the outside world, or mankind in general and surely not to his beloved twelve.  But what kind of foolishness is it to think one man, one deity at that, can, and would save mankind with a brutal death?  The death of Jesus Christ on a cross seems stupid and out right ridiculous, but God knew what He was doing.  And how heartbreaking must it have been for Him.  When one looks at the cross, whether you are a believer, or not, you have to come to grips with who Jesus Christ is to you in some short order of fashion; do you believe?  Do you think it's just a symbol?  Is it a crazy story to you?  The cross is world-wide; and everyone knows it's origin.  The godless looks at the cross as foolishness, but I look at it as life.  In reality, Christ showed his immense strength even though He was in a weakened state purely for the fact that He stayed on the cruel cross and endures such pain when he could have chose to save himself.  In the end, what mankind views as stupidity, or foolishness ends up being God's wisdom in order to redeem us to Him.  His supposed foolishness is our strength and his supposed weakness is our saving grace! ~ Amen

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