Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Washed Feet

"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord' and rightly so, for that is what I am.  Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." ~ John 13:13-14

Want to become a student of Jesus?  Be kind.  Be a servant.  Get into the nitty gritty of each other's life and love on each other.  Don't judge.  Don't condemn.  Don't expect.  Give the unexpected.  Love on the "undeserving".  Feed the homeless.  Carry your sister and brothers in Christ.  Make time out of your day to just listen.  If Jesus can wash nasty, dirt filled toes with toe jam in between on feet that probably haven't been bathed in weeks and have walked in open toed flip flop things through dirt, mud, and probably some kind of manure, well then, we are called to get down into the thick of it and serve each other.  If the Lord Almighty washed someone's feet; who do you think you are to turn down helping your neighbor next door for a ride to the doctor's office?  Who are you to decide if someone is worthy of help, or not?  If Jesus washed someone's feet, then there is NOTHING I should say no to when asked to help if it is in my means.  Who do I think I am? Who do you think you are?  We are NOT Jesus; let me make that clear.  If anything, we should be more like the woman who washed his feet and we should do it over and over and over and over and over again!  We are called to take care of each other; to "wash each other's feet".  Jesus humbled himself to the very ground to take on this task of a servant; the very ground!  I can't imagine Jesus EVER being at my feet!  Yet that is exactly where He was.  Then we best give our all to be the servant that Christ himself showed us to become; we have no excuse.  Are you really going to set yourself up higher than the Alpha and the Omega?  Ask that hurting person how they are really doing today.  Take someone out to lunch.  Ask the tired mom if you can help her out.  Give a couple hours out of your Sunday to visit the local nursing home.  Stop and help the car on the side of the road with the blinking hazard lights.  Give your leftover restaurant meal to the man on the next street corner; you know, the one with the sign.  Offer the drunk a cup of coffee.  Don't just walk past your hurting sister in the church pew; stop, listen, pray.  Ask the lonely, divorced coworker if she'd like to go to a movie.  Respect that teenager; meet him where he is at.  Make your overworked husband his favorite meal unexpectedly.  Do the dishes and the kitchen for your wife unexpectedly.  Mow the single mom's lawn.  Better yet, snowblow the single mom's driveway!  Be selfless.  Be humble.  Be genuine.  Be kind.  Be a servant.  We have no excuse.  ~ Amen 

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