Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Unjust Suffering

For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. ~ 1 Peter 2:19

Unjust suffering.  Oh how much of our suffering is unjust and unfair?  It's all over the world everyday.  Somebody starts a cruel rumor about you; someone steals from you and gets away with it; someone takes credit for hard work you have done; someone hurts you for their own personal pleasure and gain.  You cry and are sickened by the very thought of these and many unfair acts.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all lived in a just, kind and fully compassionate world?  A lot of us have felt, or at least seen unjust suffering in this wicked, broken and sometimes warped world.  I am blessed and privileged to live in a country where I can freely praise God openly, but I know many men and women in this world who are still fiercely persecuted for their faith.  God will have the final say and judgements on those who inflict unjust suffering on His children.  We are to submit to every human authority that has been put in place and God will lift us up through the suffering and have the final judgement one day.  Christ never promised a trial free life; after all, Jesus himself suffered unjustly for all of us.  If God allowed his own son to suffer, who do we think we are to ask for a pain free life?  God will set it right.  Just hold on and run the race set before you.  We win in the end. ~ Amen  

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