Monday, June 13, 2022

Pay Back

Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!'  Wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you. ~ Proverbs 20:22

Have you ever wanted to get revenge on someone?  Revenge is the devil's way of destroying your peace and puts you on the dark side of self-destruction and bitterness that can take over your heavy heart.  Once revenge becomes your motive, you block God's healing and give in to tremendous anger and unhealthy attitudes.  This is not God's plan for you and you need to step sideways out of this poison before bitterness and oppression become apparent in your everyday thoughts and actions.  On earth there will never be a perfect way to settle the many injustices we feel fell upon us.  But God promises to bring justice and deliverance as in Exodus 14:14 says, "The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be silent".  When we are silent and leave justice to God, He will make all things right in His time.  Rather than take our hurt and painful feelings on ourselves, we need to take them to God and let Him do the healing and vengeance as He sees fit.   He will take our hurts and in His time He will make the injustices endured by His children made right and there will be a path made to heal your open wounds so that you can start to find His perfect peace again.  Advice to take the matters into your own hands will be given to you from all sides of this broken world, but this is not the Lord's way.  Rather than take your anger out on your oppressor, God asks you to hand it over to Him.  To give our hurts to God and wait on Him is extremely hard and takes a great amount of patience and faith, I know, but that is what we are called to do.  This is one of the hardest disciplines I have ever had to do in my Christian walk, but after I relinquish my anger and hurt, I have felt tremendous peace.  Thank you Lord for being my defender. ~ Amen  

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