Friday, June 10, 2022

Your Gods

Where then are the gods you made for yourselves?  Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble!  For you have as many gods as you have town, O Judah. ~ Jeremiah 2:28

Boy, in a world full of material things, people, events, sports players, movie stars, money and false hope we need to be careful not to place others before God so that He takes second fiddle to our own selfishness.  Let us remember that where we spend most of our time, or hard earned money is probably where, or what we put first in our lives.  Based on the past week, how has your precious time, or money laid out your priorities?  Work?  Entertainment?  Sports? Gambling?  Your family?  Hobbies?  Screen time (YIKES, guilty here!)? How about God?  Do you see any false Gods you may be placing before the one Lord Almighty?  This is a hard one, I know.  We bring so much sorrow and unnecessary grief when we rebel and wander from God as our first love.  Many times we only invite God into our lives when we are in desperate need of Him.  We don't want to listen to Him when he wants to get into the nitty gritty daily tasks of our life, or how we should spend our money, or how we should treat our co-workers, or how about when we are called to forgive the hurt we have against a family member?  "Oh no!  I can't do that Lord.  No worries.  I got this. Thanks, but no thanks."  Then when that relationship falls apart, or the bak comes to foreclosure on your house, or you find yourself in a health crises, we all of the sudden want God's help.  "HELP!!  I need you!"  Sometimes we treat God like a genie; we only call on Him and put Him fist when all else fails.  We imagine that we can just call Him down, or open the Bible, and POOF!  The truth of the matter is if He had been first the whole time we may not have ever been in the situation we now find ourselves.  Oh if we would only listen the first time.  I wish I had this one nailed down myself, but I don't.  I spend way to much of my time, energy, and money chasing worldly things and relationships; wasting time in activities that won't matter in the end without thinking about God first.  What/who have you put first before God?  He wants a relationship with us always; just not when we think we need Him.  He doesn't want to be USED by you; He wants to be in relationship WITH you.  Maybe it's time to reprioritize. ~ Amen   

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