Thursday, June 9, 2022

Full Armor

Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ~ Ephesians 6:13

Because we know the devil is out there ready to attack at any moment, we need to be fully armored and ready to go to battle spiritually at any given moment.  Are you ready?  Do you put your armor on daily?  Are you suited up?  Because of the many evil ways the devil derives to attack us, we need to make sure we put on the full armor of God everyday.  God has given us mighty tools to fight with:  truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God and prayer.  We need to make sure we are grounded in God's word to fend off our nasty enemy whose only goal is to kill, steal and destroy us.  We need to put on this heavy armor just as a soldier puts on armor and has weapons for battle.  All of these weapons at our disposal work together to make our spiritual warfare a winning battle - a victory!  They work together so that we can stand our ground firmly in the midst of the fight and after everything, we can see that the tremendous fight is over and we have victory.  Armed with these tools and clothed in the appropriate armor, we are able to withstand the evil attacks and God will be given the glory.  With the full armor of God, not just some of the pieces, but ALL of the pieces, our spiritual battles will be ours.  We need to be prepared for battle at any time and be on cautious guard always.  Who's ready?  Get the armor on & win! ~ Amen 

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