Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Joyful Partnership

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. ~ Philippians 1:4-5

Praying with joy - what?  Have you ever thought about that?  Yes, we often bring God our worries, our terrifying troubles and big ticket prayers, but what about praying with joy and gratitude?  This scripture even talks about praying in the joy of the Lord for fellow believers that we are in fellowship with - the joy of deep relationships that we have on this journey.  Do you have any good spiritual friends like that?  Friends that go deeper with you than just through the mundane daily tasks of living?  There are a handful of friends in my life who share the good news together and find hope through Jesus in this sometimes sketchy thing called life, but I have one who tops them all.  Let me tell you, besides my husband, I know she is my ride, or die; the only other person who knows what I've been through and has pulled me through thick muddy waters with the Lord's help.  She will be a lifetime friend and partner on this journey because of the faith we share, the friendship that we have cultivated over decades and the sheer fact that we hold each other accountable even when it's hard.  That kind of friendship, partnership is hard to find, but it brings me great joy.  Her phone call is one I always have time for.  Everyone needs a spiritually grounded, gospel following friend you can pray and play with.  I know I will have this joyous friendship because of our faith for a lifetime.  If you don't have one - get one! ~ Amen

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