Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Spread It

Pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Have you ever worried about some of your unsaved family members and friends?  Every time I have a death close to me, I wonder, "did I do all I can to present the good news to them?"  I'll admit, it's an awful feeling and question to ask myself as I often fall short.  The thought of friends and family members passing without Jesus saddens me.  We can't make the choice for them, but we sure need to make sure we are presenting Jesus' love, offering them the good news, loving on them without judgement and pray that their spiritual eyes would be opened to cause the scales of the world to fall from their eyes.  Because prayer can go where we can't; it can soften hardened hearts and bring hope before it's too late.  Paul knew that he needed to pray for believers so that they could lift others up.  He encouraged people to pray for non-believers with him because he knew the strong power of prayer.  He had seen it!  Pray for our church leaders and other Christians as they bring the good news to their inner circles.  Pray that people may come to know Christ on a very real personal way so that the gospel may spread rapidly and bring great honor to God.  Never stop praying for the spread of Jesus' sacrifice and love.  It's the least we could do. ~ Amen  

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