Monday, June 13, 2022

Cursed Enmity

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." ~ Genesis 3:15

This verse refers to the curse God placed on the serpent after Adam and Eve ate from the tree God told them not too; this is the curse between the serpent and mankind from this moment on.  Satan is representative of the serpent and God promised that the serpent would be crushed, but that Satan would also strike at Eve's offsprings' heel.  Even through this verse we can see a foreshadowing of God's promise to take the sneaky devil down.  In this scripture we read that even though Satan; as represented by the serpent, tries to tempt and take Jesus down (Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus' victory over death and the grave have given followers of Christ ultimate victory and will be able to live with Him for eternity.  Satan will be destroyed and crushed and we will have the final victory with our God and King.  Jesus appears to have lost the battle by surrendering on the cross, but everything changes three days later.  The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ "crushed" Satan's plan for mankind and put saving salvation into motion.  This was the first implication that God had a great plan and promise for the human race.  It offers hope of triumph over Satan and his followers/offspring and clues us into the very real threat of spiritual warfare that we will have throughout our walk.  God's curse on the serpent (Satan) is a warning to all of us that Satan is, and will continue to be, our enemy.  Satan roams this earth to hunt us down and destroy us, but he won't be able to do it forever.  Praise God! ~ Amen 

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